Big Baby?


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2010
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Hi all,

As some of you may have seen I went for a 3D scan yesterday, I also had a mw appt in the morning.

The mw measured my bump at 28-29cm which ties in with the number of weeks I am. However at the scan all the measurements aside from the femur length came back between 31 and 33 weeks and gave me an estimated gestation time of 32 weeks and EDD of 31 August!! The estimated weight was between 3.5-4lbs!!!:shock::shock:

Now, I am not one to panic and I know instrument readings like this can be an inexact science. I am phoning mw tomorrow about some test results and was going to raise it with her then but I was wondering if anyone else has had an experience like this. Could it just be a big baby?

Thanks all
I'm measuring 4 weeks ahead so i'm off into hospital for a growth scan on Friday. My consultant said they can do all the scans in the world but none of them are THAT accurate so not to worry too much. Your MW will refer you to your local hospital if she's worried i'd have thought - that's what mine did x
Hi all,

As some of you may have seen I went for a 3D scan yesterday, I also had a mw appt in the morning.

The mw measured my bump at 28-29cm which ties in with the number of weeks I am. However at the scan all the measurements aside from the femur length came back between 31 and 33 weeks and gave me an estimated gestation time of 32 weeks and EDD of 31 August!! The estimated weight was between 3.5-4lbs!!!:shock::shock:

Now, I am not one to panic and I know instrument readings like this can be an inexact science. I am phoning mw tomorrow about some test results and was going to raise it with her then but I was wondering if anyone else has had an experience like this. Could it just be a big baby?

Thanks all
One reason for a big baby is gestational diabetes . Have you had a glucose tolerance test ?
I wouldnt panic too much they have measured me four weeks over last week i was measuring 6 weeks over but consultant only measured me one week over - so i tend to ignore measurements! Scans can be innacurate too - and femur length is one of the main indicators of a large baby so to have that measuring within a normal range would suggest an avervage sized baby! The most accurate scan by far for gestation dates is te 12 weeks scan so i would go with that x
Thanks all,

just to let you know I spoke to mw today and she was not that concerned, she said the same thing about 12 week scan being most accurate. She also said it would only be if stomach measurement was bigger than head that she would be thinking the baby was 'fatter' than it should be and it wasn't. She didn't mention the diabetes thing so it can't be that much of a concern, she just said she measure me again at my next appt and if I was over then she would refer me for a growth scan.

At least I'll not be worrying about it now, definintely best to ask I think. Now that's cleared up I'd best tackle the pile of ironing and cleaning OH has left behind him - he's off on his stag do this weekend. I'm so jealous.
Glad mw put your mind at rest hun - enjoy the cleaning - not!
My mum was told from scans that I was gonna be a 9-10lb baby. Shes a really tiny lady so they orgnaised a planned section. I was born 5lb10 and the surgeon said "ooh you couldve given birth to this one naturally" as if it was some kinda joke. They havent really got a clue, its all guess work!
I agree, the measurements can read wrong as it depends how much weight you have already plus how babys lying. Im measuring 3weeks ahead and on the chart which i was given which is basically how my daughter grew my top line is 9lb and bottom line is 7lb and baby is weighing in at over 10lb at 40weeks if he keeps following this line. I was booked in for a growth scan at 38weeks due to my daughter being big but they have now moved it forward to 36weeks due to him increasing in size quite rapidly so i may get my little man earlier :) x
I'm in for my growth scan in half an hour. Just waiting for OH to turn up. Not exactly sure what they're gonna do if baby is a whopper, we'll soon find out I suppose! X
oooh good luck! let us know how it goes x
Please don't be panicing too much about the size or their ability to measure correctly. Mines never measured big at all. in fact they told me just under 7lb and she was 9lb 2 oz. 2nd child was 10lb 4oz and I wasn't warned she would be big at all. I'm glad i wasn't though as i may have worried and their deliveries were straightforward, natural and very fast!

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