

Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2005
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Jess has been getting picked on for about a year in school. Nothing major as she is only in year 2. Just the usuall with kids this age :x I started of telling her to tell the teacher but she was getting ignored so I told her to hit them back. She started doing this but SHE always ended up getting in trouble for it and the kids who hit her get away with it. I really feel like no one even the teachers like her in the school and I getting really fed up of it. Well I went to pick her up from school today and when she came out she was covered in scratches and some had been bleeding. There were places where you could see where the kid had just dug her finger nails in a dragged them. They are really quite bad :shock: . She said she told the dinner lady who just told her to stay away from the kid and just carried on with her chatting. The kid was chasing her! She was trying to stay away. She then told a teacher after dinner who ignored her :twisted: I took her to her teacher after school and told her and she hadn't even noticed she was covered in cuts :shock: I expected at least to have a letter about it like they usually do when they fall over but nothing. I don't know what to do about it. The teacher said she would have a word with the kids mum on momday but I'm not happy with it. I'm more annoyed with the staff for not looking after her. I planning on making an appointment to see the head on Monday about it. Do you think I'm over reacting or what? Sorry for the long post but I could really do with some input on this. Thanks
No I don't think you are - Josh had this starting about the same age and went on till he was almost 10 and it was only taken seriously when I went in to see the Head. They did then try to solve it, took the boy out of Josh's class, stopped him going out to play etc. But he then grabbed Josh and tried to push him over a balcony. :shock: I have to admit in the end we had "words" with the boy's Mum and Dad - amazingly this child they couldn't control :roll: stopped it immediately. We threatened to knock on their door every day and tell them what their son had done that day as loud as we could. His father asked what he was meant to do..he claimed to be a great dad as he stopped working when he had children so that he could be with them all the time - and (a direct quote) it's hard struggling on benefits to do that :shock: :roll:
The school did start some anti bullying work then - Josh was the first anti bullying mentor in the school. But they really really didn't take it seriously until I started going in each day after school and telling them that day's problems. Don't let it go that long :hug:
I had the same problem with my daughter when she was at school in the UK and she was only little at the time, reception I think. A couple of kids kept kicking her and biting her. One day she came home with a bruise the size of my fist on her leg and a bite mark (extremely clear) on her shoulder blade. When I took her back to school to show them, they just said that she hadn't made any complaints :shock: . So I took her to my GP who advised me to tell the school that if she had another mark on her body I would be going to the police stating that there was abuse going on in the school and not sufficient supervison. She never came home with another mark that wasn't completely documented.

I would threaten to get the police involved if it carries on. The next time it happens take your daughter straight to the head, show her/him the marks and tell them that if something isn't sorted out you will go to the police and also inform the head that you will be taking your daughter to your GP to have the injuries documented so that "when" it gets taken to the police you will have medical confirmation of the injuries. I know it sounds extreme but I can assure you they will take notice of it then. The injuries are likely to only get worse and if things are that bad then the school arn't looking after the kids properly.
Well I have taken some photos of them and conidered going to the police. The staff are paid to supervise them not stand around all day chatting :twisted: I think I'll tell the head if it happens again I'll report them. I wouldn't leave 30 7 year olds playing together and just ignore them.
I had this with Paris (who's about a month younger than your dd) - firstly ask for a copy of their bully procedure and then make an appointment to see the head (you need to go through these steps in order to make a complaint) - keep a record of anything that happens to jess and consider pulling her out of school for the time being. Meet with the head, they should resolve it - if not go to the board of governors :hug:

If you need any advice just pm me

:hug: for your little one
Babylicious said:
firstly ask for a copy of their bully procedure and then make an appointment to see the head (you need to go through these steps in order to make a complaint)

Thanks hun. I didn't know that. :hug:
Any news?

I went through bed wetting and having my dd hiding in her cupboard when it was happening :shock:
It seems to all have calmed down for the minute :D I went to see her teacher last weeks and I took i pictures of all the cuts and she was 'shocked'! Things seem to now of changed a bit, she has had a word with the girl and her mother and has said if the dinner ladies ignore you come and tell me. Shes going up to juniors in September so that should get her away from the main one :D
Glad it all worked out hun :hug: .
My nephew was getting bullied because he had bucked teeth when he was about 8 years old and it carried on for months without anyone knowing.eventually it go so bad he threw the bully into the path of an oncoming car,luckily the bully wasn't hurt,but so scared he left the school.
My sister changed his shcool and he's getting on good with the kids even if he's a bit naughty with the teachers.

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