
I have also ordered the Bugaboo Cam. Very excited. I do not know if I am having a boy or girl so have pre-ordered two colours!

I am now looking at accessories and have come across the Bugaboo Organiser. Has anyone got or used this? It seems very pratcical but looks quite small.

Positivity :) I have just realised our due dates are a day apart im due on 18th Dec :0) xxxx
never heard of the bugaboo organiser, must have a look!!! :cheer:
We are set on the Bugaboo Donkey, went price checking today to discover Mothercare are selling it cheaper than John Lewis. The lady was so helpful and said they could do it for £1000! :dance:
I know thats still alot but if its cheaper than the £1200 we were origionally told then its brill! :)
We are set on the Bugaboo Donkey, went price checking today to discover Mothercare are selling it cheaper than John Lewis. The lady was so helpful and said they could do it for £1000! :dance:
I know thats still alot but if its cheaper than the £1200 we were origionally told then its brill! :)

Do mothercare do any price plans do you know? We want the donkey and our local pram shop you pay deposit then have to pay it off before baby is born, but I don't think it was as cheap as that in there xxxxx
there is babyplan at mothercare, maybe they'd let you do it on that?
how long before your dd are you ladies ordering your bugaboos and where are you storing it until your lo arrives? xx
I'm ordering mine any day now. I am bypassing the old wives tale and keeing it at home, the in-laws smoke like trains and I don't want the baby's stuff stinking of smoke when we come to use it :)

Just trying to find the best price on line at the moment, cos we are going for the all black limited edition one x
limited addition one?! can you not normally get all black then? let me know where you get the best price hun, i was just thinking of ordering mine from john lewis but if you get a cheap deal i might just do that xx
No an all black is limited. It's my mission for tomoro night :) x
is it really! well u are a 'one off' princess so u deserve a limited edition :love: xxxxx
I loooovvveeeee the black bugaboo! It's lush! Saw One in Dubai last week on holiday and I was following her around!! It's just b e a u t I f u l!!

Let me know where you get it and how much!! Not that we are pregnant yet but I just love it!! X
:lol: I will do, I have been looking but cant' psychologically part with the cash lmao!!!
We are set on the Bugaboo Donkey, went price checking today to discover Mothercare are selling it cheaper than John Lewis. The lady was so helpful and said they could do it for £1000! :dance:
I know thats still alot but if its cheaper than the £1200 we were origionally told then its brill! :)

Lucky thing!
Well update. In the week after going to see it and OH agreeing we could have it, Mr Sensible landed back in his body and he just couldn't get his head around spending that much so I have been sulking something cronic. But I have a plan.

It's £1200.00, less the £360.00 his parents were going to spend on the Citi Mini leaves £840.00, less my bonus of £180.00 = £660.00

Not quite as bad as I thought - he even said well we could put £100.00 a month to one side for it (not sure how early you need to order them), so even if it's just two months that another £200.00 off which just leaves £460.00. I reckon if we flog all our old junk (does anyone want to buy a petrol strimmer or a very trendy coffee table by the way? tee hee) we will get another £200.00 or so and that leaves £260.00.

Surely we can find £260.00????????

Makes perfect sense doesn't it?
Sounds very reasonable!
Get hunting in your wardrobes and you'll find random rubbish that will make pennies on eBay! Ask for mo ey for Xmas and put it towards it? X
Hey kerrykins Iv looked at bugaboo donkey and iCandy pear for the twins too. Loved them both but personally preferred the look of the iCandy and because I'm tall I found the handle bar high enough for me
Which I havnt with other prams. I have found a girl locally through a friend that is selling me her 6 month old iCandy pear with maxi cosi car seats and all the added extras for £300!! She is selling it as her eldest child now walks and she wanted a single stroller for the younger child plus she could do with the cash. So there was no way I could pass up the offer as it virtually as good as new, and as much as I love bugaboo they aren't selling them that cheap as it's too new. Also had to weigh up how much I would really use it if I was to pay £1200 and with driving I thought I'd go with cheaper offer. Both r fab prams. 2 of my clients with twins both had iCandy and swear by it xx

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