Bubba's heartbeat


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2011
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Just wondered if it was just the hospital that I had my 12 week scan at or not, but I wasn't able to hear the heartbeat...the midwife said to me they don't do that anymore, they just look at it :(
I have my week 16 appointment next week with my Midwife at the doctors, will she have a device so we can hear the heartbeat? It's one thing in particular I was so excited about before my scan and was a tad upset, so wonder if at another stage of the pregnancy I will get to hear it?

Also whilst on the subject of hearing the heartbeat, anyone invested in a doppler device?

Many Thanks all...

My mw didn't listen to baby at 16 week appt as sometimes it is still hard to pick up and makes ppl worried x but I know most ppl on here said that their mw did x

Yeah I just went for 16 week appointment today and they check and listen to baby's heartbeat and no I didn't invest in one because my midwife told me not to :( but I hear good things about them :) xx

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They didn't listen to my baby's heartbeat at the 16 week scan :(

But most other people had their midwife listen to it so there is a good chance they will
Thanks ladies for replying, I shall wait patiently and see what happens then next week at 16 week appt and if I don't get to listen then either I shall ask her...its just so exciting to actually be able to hear it :)

My mw listened to Pip at my 16 week appt. I also have a Doppler because I couldn't resist :D I loved it at first when I couldn't feel him moving but after a day like today there is no reason for me to use it any more! Lol!
i heard it at my 16 weel app and my angelsounds doppler is the best thing i ever bought - although some adice, dont get one till ur at least 17 weeks, easy to find after that. Ive just finished listening now :) x
i heard at my 16 week app not my scan and i bought a doppler to get me thru til baby started kicking.
i couldnt imagine not having a doppler and id recommend it to anyone tho maybe not if your a panicky sort lol as sometimes babs plays hide and seek.
this is my baby's hb 3 days ago and the 12 week scan pic
hey hun i heard mine at 16 weeks but no MW (i had a private scan and they played it for me) mw didnt play HB for me until i was 20 + 4 so wouldnt worry xxx
We haven't heard heartbeat at either scan but she did check at 16 week check, but did the warning talk - 'sometimes it's hard to hear if baby is in a strange position' etc. I decided against a doppler as would have been likely to panic if I hadn't found it and/or get a bit obsessed with it, so it was less stressful for me not to have one, but each to their own. I'm finding the movement the most reassuring thing now.
I didnt get to hear mine till 24 week appointment - same as Mrs Mc - mw said that quite often it can be difficult to find at 16 weeks, and people panic - so they just dont do it. but everywhere's different. xxx
I heard my babies heartbeat for the first time last week at my 25 week appointment my midwife said they don't listen to it before that I guess it varies depending on where you live.
Ahhh thank you BevG, isnt that sound just amazing! :D

Thank you to you all for replies, I'll be waiting patiently for the time to come when I get to hear my baby heartbeat. And perhaps I'll start looking into getting a Doppler device in another month or so...I'm definitely getting little flutters starting most evenings now so that alone is also amazing and reassuring in a way even though I'm not worried about anything.

At my 16 week check my doc checked LO's HB.

I have a doppler and love it! I'm not one to worry but more of an impatient person so was checking everyday until i could find it! Can't really remember now when the first time i heard LO. But i know it was before my 16 wk Check.
Just wondered if it was just the hospital that I had my 12 week scan at or not, but I wasn't able to hear the heartbeat...the midwife said to me they don't do that anymore, they just look at it :(
I have my week 16 appointment next week with my Midwife at the doctors, will she have a device so we can hear the heartbeat? It's one thing in particular I was so excited about before my scan and was a tad upset, so wonder if at another stage of the pregnancy I will get to hear it?

Also whilst on the subject of hearing the heartbeat, anyone invested in a doppler device?

Many Thanks all...


at 16 wks scan if they dont offer you can actually ask to see if they can find it xx
Yep, at my 16 Week appointment at Docs with midwife I had the heart beat listened to. It was amazing :) Hope you get yours too. You can always ask your midwife now if they intend to listen to baby's heartbeat at your 16 Week appointment. I asked mine beforehand as needed to know if it was worth my OH taking the day off Work!!
just realised i put 16 wk scan not appointment lol thats what having kids does to you, never mind loosing your figure its your marbles you loose lol

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