I know the epu congratulated me said it was probs because im just 6 weeks and so did the sonographer and then the miscarriage nurse said she had never seen a heartbeat get stronger which i thought was abit out there so its been a rollercoaster by my workings out im dead on 6 week tday and they said we could scan again and it might be fine on 10 mins it happens ... yeno im staying away if i get the all clear they worry you to death!! But i seen my lil pea beat and i was expecting the worst so for now im hoping everyday gets stronger my gestation sac is really quite big that measured at 7 weeks which is impossible and then the top sonographer had a go and agreed with me just said i have a large sac but my uterus was causing problems as its heart shaped so baby is sat now in the right horn im tempted to get a private opinion this week thanks for being there for support lovelys xxx
Honey please go to a private scan clinic gor a second opinion. Seems strange how they are giving you mixed advice. Just sounds like they are just making assumptions xx