Brown Spotting!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2010
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Hi ladies, I'm after a bit of advice. I've just noticed I've had a bit of brown spotting and its worried me silly. i know brown blood is old blood but its worrying me all the same.

The Midwife has just rang me back and said its nothing to worry about as it will be the little one burrowing in and if it gets heavier (like a period) or I get pain then to contact them and they'll refer me to EPU next week x

Just a bit worried after my MMC last time as I had this last time x
Hi hun,
As your midwife said don't worry...i know you still will though lol. Brown is fine. I would say more people in here have had it than haven't its so common xx
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Good luck hun and as difficult as it is, wait it out. Hopefully it will come to nothing and its good news if you're not in any pain too. xxx
I had it last time , its pretty common try not to worry hun xx
i am sure every thing will be alright but i can understand your worries, i am the same!
Thanks ladies, i just think too much about things and worry alot. I'm sure little one will be ok x x x

I've come home from work and am sat in my PJ's eating Vienetta - lovely having a rest n trying not to worry x
i had bleeding from weeks 13-15 in my 1st pregnancy and it turned out to be fine.. i know that when people tell you not to worry its easier said than done.. but try stay positive! x
I'm trying to stay positive but then all these thoughts go through my head. Wish it would hurry to 12 weeks x
hey hon fingers crossed all will be okay if you're in any doubt though pop along to your local EPU they will at least be able to put your mind at rest x x
Now I'm very worried. I've just wiped (TMI) and there was pink on the tissue. I'm so so scared I'm losing it x x
Hey hun,

I can relate to that far more than I would like lol

I was out of my mind if I got some brown spotting a few times then bright pink blood when I wiped (tmi sorry!)

First around implantation. Week 8 appeared again but I tried to listen to what my midwife said was to remember you could well experience some light bleeding and cramps around the time your period would have been due where your hormones aren't quite high enough to completely stop such issues . Sure enough next day just that happened. I was so frightened but each time it happened with the bright pink only on wiping it stopped not too long after (seemed like a century though!)

More in week 9, same as before so they sent me to scan to check all was ok. I went at 9 weeks and bub was just fine. Awaiting 12 week scan Dev 23rd, I'm praying nothings gone wrong since then but that's normal to worry so it seems!

Another bout since so has me naturally worried every time, petrified to be honest keep your chin up and get your gp to send you in for an earlier scan. As the placenta takes over hormone prodution it should lesson.

I know its hard but keep positive hun xx
I had brown spotting for 2 weeks and baby was fine at a 7week scan. try and stay positive, it could be something of nothing. fingers crossed 4 u. x
I rang the docs as the Midwife wasn't there and they told me to go straight round and they would see me straight away. The doc was lovely and reassured me it was normal and that if it carried on I could go and have a scan on Friday but that everything would be fine.

Feel much better now thanks for your advice and kind words ladies x
good luck huny n fx everything is ok
i bled with alfie on and off untill i was about 4 months and it was bright red blood with clots in too
he is now 5 years old and fit n healthy :)
as hard as it is as i know myself its hard to relax but try your best huny x x
Thanks hun, I just cant stop thinking about it now but i've got everthing crossed. I'm sure it'll be fine thanks again x
Well I've had no more spotting so I'm hoping that was it yesterday. I've taken a couple days off work to relax as I've been running around like a mad woman lately and I've got 2 jobs, so maybe was my body telling me to take it easy x

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