

Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2007
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I've been breastfeeding for 3 weeks now - exclusively - but things don't seem to be getting that much better pain wise. I have tried everything to ensure luke latches on properly, but he always seems to just end up sucking on the end of my nipple no matter what I do.

I thought that after 3 weeks we would have got the hang of it and people keep telling me "it's only been 3 weeks" but isn't that long enough?

I feel like I'm always in pain. We do have a few good feeds that don't hurt here and there but generally it's painful. I've tried nipple shields and have used Lansinoh and an antiseptic spray but they only work for shot periods.

Does anyone have any tips before I go out of my mind? I know the rules on latching on etc but anything else would be handy!
I would definately advise you to go to a breastfeeding support group if you have one in your area as they will check his latch and advise you on how to get him to latch correctly if he's not already. Stick at it, your doing really well :)
I saw someone already in the first week.... She told me how to get him to latch on etc but he gets too frantic and his head ends up going from side to side and I have real trouble getting him on there properly.

I've been on the verge of switching to bottles a few times and had many tears over it because I feel like a bad Mum when I take him off before he is finished because I'm in so much pain. Why is something so natural so hard? :?
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I really struggled in the beginning to get ellie to latch properly and had lots of pain, cracked nipples and it really did make my toes curl and bring tears to my eyes... Its really hard to see at the time but I promise you it will get easier and the pain will fade eventually for you.

Maybe go back and see the bf support and just double check that he's latched right as babies can change their latch at any time.

You are not a bad mother, you are doing an amazing job and even if you decide that you cant do it any longer and change to bottle fed then if thats whats right for you and baby thats all that matters. Have u tried expressing any milk and maybe giving him that in a bottle to give ur nipples a break?
Oh you poor thing! I really do know how hard it is - and anyone who tells you that 'when it's done properly it shouldn't hurt' is lying!

I was in agony for weeks - but it does get better - promise! I used nipple shields for quite a while to give my nipples a chance to recover a bit - i think it also helped Lucy to learn to latch on better. My daughter wasn't much good at feeding first either and i would certainly recommend that you get ALL the help you can - so it would be worth trying a support group again.
I didn't find that creams helped - Lucy just seemed to slip off! Are your nipples cracked? I found a few drops of breastmilk on them after every feed and letting them air dry cleared mine up quite quickly (and they were quite bad!)

In the meantime i can only offer you the following advice;

Don't be worried to keep taking baby off and putting him back on again and again until it's right

Hold his head/neck area quite firmly and make sure that when his mouth is really wide (you may have to tease him with the nipple a bit to encourage him!) you gently but firmly push him on and if it feels right to you hold him on to encourage him to suck in the right place

Hold your breast and shape it so that you get as much nipple as possible in and at the top of the palette (it's softer there and doesn't rub you as much)

Lastly - battle on! But remember you ARE NOT a bad mother if you choose to switch to bottles! I felt there was so much pressure to breastfeed and i had no other choice, and while i'm glad i stuck it out i can see now that bottles would have been fine!

Good luck!
Debbie you are doing so well, the first few weeks are definately the hardest but it does get easier. If your baby is frantically trying to latch on and is getting frustrated, you could try getting your milk 'going' before you get him to latch on. He might be getting impatient whilst he works to get the milk and your let down kicks in.

You could do this by manaually using your hand or a few minutes with a pump. It took my baby 3 weeks to be able to latch on and spent 3 weeks visiting the breast feeding counsellor at our local hopsital. We initally would have to give her a little bit of expressed milk (with a syringe, cup, bottle) initially to calm her down a bit and then we could work on the latching on and getting her feeding.

You will master this, it just sometimes takes a bit of help and support to get it going which does not make you a bad mum. As the previous poster said, if there is a local breast feeding group try and go along as the mums, counsellors, or midwives there will have a wealth of knowledge and support that they can share with you.

Good Luck.
have you had luke checked for tongue tie?when he is on.. you need to stop him slipping bk on ur nipple you are probably latching him correctly but hes slipping off which causes pain. you might need to keep holding him tight for the whole feed if he slips off take him off and latch again.
Have you tried changing position of the baby? That rugby ball position might be easier perhaps? Are you using plenty of cushions to bring baby up to the right height? Is baby opening his mouth wide enough to get a good mouthful of boob?
Have you contacted your local Sure Start? I say that because I go to BIBS which is like a mother and baby group - breastfeeding support group and I've met some good friends there too.
i've posted a few times now about the problems i've been having. it really is the hardest thing i've ever done, but i'm still hanging on in there... i use the nipple shields more often than not, cos the pain i was getting without them was starting radiate out through my whole breast, not just the nipple. connor's latch has been checked and approved as well, but its obviously not right otherwise i wouldn't still be getting the nipple blanching and misshaping that i have been doing.
i go to a breastfeeding cafe every week though, and all the people there are sooo supportive; if there's something similar that you can do, i highly recommend it. everyone on the forum has been fab too - it's made all the difference to me, 'specially in the early days when i really was gonna quit...
it does get better
:hug: :hug: :hug:
lil miss had such a tiny lil mouth that I'd have to wait till she was in full strop mode before she'd open her mouth wide enough to latch on properly... the first time you breastfeed it takes about 6 weeks before it gets any easier... and this time round... it only got easy by week four.

Try and relax as much as possible and remember it will get less painful... but don't let yourself feel guilty if you decide to bottle feed... :hug: :hug: :hug: you've already given your LO the best possible start :)
I'm afraid dont have any advice being a newbie at this too, except that I was having a terrible time last week and I suddenly realised the last few days that its not hurting half as much and Eva seems to be latching on without my assistance (jamming her on the boob the second her mouth is big enough!) So if you feel strongly about carrying on, have hope that it will get better!
I keep having to remind myself that Eva and I are both still learning, but I know how you feel, its so tough!

Oh yeah I have just been reading that breastfeeding makes you produce hormones that relax you and make you happy! Ha! :rotfl:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
when my girl was little, i had problems with her breastfeeding, i couldnt get her to latch on, it would be a fight, turned out that she didnt have a clue how to suck, they took me stright of the breast and on to a bottle and showed me how to get her attatched to a bottle, she picked it up in weeks...........(never heard of a baby that didnt know how to suck) i felt so much better changing her to bottles, i could enjoy the feeds again, instead of dreading it.

when i had my third child i only feed her by breast for two weeks, as long as she got the first few days i knew the goodness was there.

i breast feed my first for about 4 months and i do not notice any difference in all my children, i will breast feed this on for a few weeks, and then move onto bottles, i like to see how much they are having and enjoy the cuddly feeds with the bottle, and watch everyone else enjoying feeding the baby too.
I've got a breastfeeding counsellor coming at 3pm today..... fingers crossed!
Ryan was exactly the same he latched on really well but then a minute later he would un latch and keep waving his head from side to side looking for boobies! and youd put it right near his mouth and he would still do it! and he didnt seem to be sucking very well so i switched to bottle but i felt so bad because everyone was saying how well ure doing for breast feeding but i didnt enjoy it and id give him top ups as he lost weight and he'd guzzle it so i gave up!

Hope the breatsfeeding counsellor helps xxxx
I had lots of trouble breastfeeding at first, I nearly gave up so many times in the first couple of months. Nothing prepares you for how painful & exhausting it is (I preferred labour!).

Hopefully the counsellor will be able to help, and show you some different holds. ds was a really lazy feeder and used to drop the nipple almost as soon as he latched on, so I had to hold my boob in his mouth or he'd just shout at me.

Let us know how you get on, you've done fantastically well so far :hug:
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maybebaby said:
midna said:
maybebaby said:
Nothing prepares you for how painful & exhausting it is (I preferred labour!).

Let us know how you get on, you've done fantastically well so far :hug:

Yes so did I seed is the fussiest feeder ever lol always has been still is ...its been one long war ...but Im winning 8) ..pfft course I am x

She sounds so much like Austin - they're just very intelligent babies who wan to grow up too quick :wink:

Thats what my mum says.... they want to learn more than they want to eat... no time to eat... to busy learning.

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