

Active Member
Apr 23, 2006
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Just wondered what everyones views were on breastfeeding or bottle feeding :wall: It is very clear that the midwifes think you should breastfeed and shouldn't even consider formula. I would like to give it a go and see how I get on but the thought of my husband being able to help out with night feeds by giving her a bottle is quite appealing as well. Have been reading books on breastfeeding and getting your baby into a routine but there is so much conflicting advice out there that I don't know what to think. Any help would be appreciated :D :D
Hi ya,

Check out the threads on New Mummies - Health and Nutrition, there are loads of threads on this.

I am still boobie feeding so am biased and will always say breast is best, but it's whatever works for you both :)
I tried it, it didnt work I gave her a bottle and that was that. I regret it not working for us but dont regret my decision to stop.
I am going to try with number 2 and again, if I feel its not working then I will go to the bottle.
Everyone should do whats right for them and their baby.

I havent worn an underwired bra this time though (bloody sausage boobs)
I have decided to breast feed, and that upset my partner as he thought he wouldt be able to help. but we decided to get a breast pump aswell, so he can still take his turn and not feel left out.
I'm the same as you littlemoo. I bought a breast pump to so that my husband can help with feeding. But I read a book the other day that doesnt recomend breast pumps until baby is a month old - has anyone else heard of this?

S. xx

I heard it was six weeks, its just to do with giving your milk supply enough time to establish itself and giving your nipples chance to calm down after the initial onslaught I've heard?!?!? Apparently expressing can be soul destroying in the early days - another joy to look forward to!!!

oh my god!!! Why is everything so akward!! lol

Another thing to remember!

S, xx
i expressed after about 5 weeks i think - i think there is also a concern it will confise babes a bit if you do it earlier? sure i read that somewhere :?

anyway alex was alwasy happy to take expressed milk from the bottle and still have boob. he now has a combination of boob and formular as i am back at work and dont want to spend all my time i do have at home with him expressing for when i'm not!

i think you should keep in mind that while breast feeding is great and all the rest of it - its not the end of world if you cant. you are not doing your baby any harm and you want to enjoy the early days not spend it stressing cos you couldnt breast feed.

by the way i had no problems expressing - the key is to start the milk coming yourself by squeezng and massaging the boob- if you just start pumping away it can be very sore.

good luck all!

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