Breastfeeding rant

OMG :shock:lol

That's not what boobs are for? raaage lol

He need a kick in the balls fast!!
I enjoy breastfeeding my LO. I always wanted to breastfeed but was terrified of feeding in public. Once I'd given birth I felt that I had so little dignity left that whacking my boobs out in public was nothing! :D Lilly is down to only morning and evening feeds and I actually miss going out for a coffee and snuggling up on a sofa to feed her. I never got a negative comment, maybe a few odd looks but hey ho. If people complained, I would have said "would you rather I fed her or let her scream the house down because she's hungry?" I will definitely breastfeed my next one. My OH did get jealous because I wouldn't let him anywhere near them but now I'm better :)

They're your boobs hun, do what you like with them. Good luck.

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Tried to talk about it again last night calmly, didn't really work :roll: guess we will just have to agree to disagree. Gah.

ShadowWolf, you're not far from me, I'm in Leicester. :) We were in Nottingham at Wollaton Hall and Park last weekend, have you been? It's lovely :)
Ooo I love it there! You should pop into nottingham some time, we'll meet for a coffee :D

Omg! i am well shocked at your ohs reaction.
to be honest, i never got on with breast feeding with my 1st and prob wont do it with this one, but it is a natural thing.

im lucky that my oh doesnt see boobs as sexual things and when i told him about this, he said u should tell him to f off lol x x
i always say-never give your baby something to eat that you wouldn't...has he tried formula? ITS DISGUSTING! I'm sorry but if you can't breastfeed in public are you supposed to let your darling child just cry? I think not! EVERYONE eats in public so why oh why should brestfed babies be any different?

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