Breastfeeding - HELP!


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Hi Ladies,
I'm hoping you can help me!

I'm due to have my first baby in April 2011 and love the idea of breastfeeding. However, I'm not too keen on the idea of "getting them out" in public so plan to express into bottles for outings. Does expressed breast milk need warming? And how long does it 'keep' for?

Also - do shops etc have places women can go to breastfeed?

And finally, what will I need to buy?

Any help would be much appreciated :) x
Hey! I'm not a mum yet but I'm planning on breastfeeding so I'll have a go at answering for you!
Basically, you should apparently establish breastfeeding for the first 6 weeks so not to encur any problems with teat confusion (if s baby finds it easier to drink out of a bottle they tend to not want the breast any more).
Breastmilk keeps in the fridge for 24 hours but something like a month in the freezer. I think you can warm it up, I would do this by using hot water in a bowl if I was out. Just sit the bottle in the hot water until temperature is all good.
Mothercare has a feed and change room that's massive so you can take pushchair in there and sit down an feed, and the changing mat is also there so you can use that. Ottomh more than likely you'll fond baby change in public toilets.

As for what you need to buy, I personally have got or am getting:
4x nursing bras (the cups drop down so you have access to nipple :) )
Tommee tippee closer to nature manual breast pump
I have about 10 bottles that I got free with a steriliser lol
Steriliser (mines an electric steam one)
Bottle thermos carriers to keep cool/hot
Breast feeding apron that covers me and baby so no one can see
Muslin squares for spillage mop ups!
Bottle and teat brush.

Thats my feeding collection lol! I also have some breast milk storage containers you can buy to put in the freezer. You can just ask anywhere for them or loom out forthrm in your supermarket.

Hope this helps a bit! X
Thanks Lexi :)!
Such a great help - It's so difficult first time lol.
So many questions.
I've written your shopping list down so hopefully this will keep me going! I spose if there was anything else, we'll find out when babies here anyway :) xx
Your welcome. Lol yes I'm sure we will learn different things and stuff we don't have that we need! I guess nipple cream and I have thought about nipple shields but haven't got those as I don't know if I'll get sore or not! Gonna be a big learning curve. X
Awww hun - I know how you feel. I was soooooooo worried about feeding in public before my DD was born. My all time essentials are nursing bras (for easy access!) and lansinoh cream for soreness. Make sure you wear something that will be easy to pull down or wear two layers so you can pull one layer up when feeding baby.

As for storing breast milk. It can be kept at room temp for up to 4hrs before needing to be refridgerated. In a fridge it can stay fresh for 3-5 days. In a freezer (frozen within 24hrs) it can be kept for up to 3-6 months.

I always thought i'd express for when i'm out and about but it takes that long to express a decent amount that I just gave in and thought sod it. It was nerve racking feeding her in public but once you've done it the first time it's a piece of cake. I had my family with me the first time and having the help and support was brilliant.

Many stores (Boots, Mothercare, Tesco, etc) have feeding rooms. Our Boots room is hidden so you have to ask customer services to use it.

Don't EVER feel embarrassed about feeding in public, it's one of the most natural things any woman can do. You'll also find that however nervous you feel, you wont be able to see your baby cry with hunger so you get some sort of inner strength to just do it.

I also found immense support at our local baby group. I was so surprised at how many other breastfeeding mums were there.

Good luck x
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tasha - love your bf ticker lol x

bf in public was also a fear of mine, but i found my babies slept mostly when out and I also worked out where I could go whilst out to feed him ie: stay within proximity to shops with feeding rooms.

I failed miserably at expressing so boob it had to be!
Tasha & Amy - Thank you both so much for your replies!
Definately put my mind at ease :) xx
I remember with my 1st, I was even paranoid to bf in my front room by the window lol! At least you're thinking about it now and can get used to the idea.

oh, and Lansinoh cream is a must!!
Tasha is right about hearing your LO cry, the need to soothe and feed is way stronger than any potential embarrassment, you will find a way :)

Don't bother buying a mamascarf or anything, waste of money in my experience, a muslin or light blanket is just as good!
Slightly off-topic, but I didn't want to start a new thread just for this...

Is it recommended at all to "rough up" your nipples prior to breastfeeding? The reason I ask is because I was stuck for about 30 minutes talking to this horribly drunk woman at my husband's Christmas party, and she suggested roughing them up prior to birth. I think her method was taking a rough cloth and giving them a good rub.

Now.....was this just the booze talking, or is there actually some sense to what she said?
Don't think I would do that (rough up) to me that's just making them Sore? You won't necessarily get sore anyway, it depends on how quickly you master the attachment. I certainly don't think that's a good idea, it wouldn't make them tougher at all! Just put cream on after you've fed, and it's a prevention as well as a healer x
Ooooh reading about roughing them up made me feel a bit sick!

You get used to the sensation. You don't need to cause yourself pain now though! Ouch ouch ouch!

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