Just from my experience - for mummies who are breastfeeding...


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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Thought I would just write a quick post on my experience of breastfeeding in hospital. When my LO and I were receiving antibiotics for 5 days, I ended up getting a really tough time from the staff at the hospital and I think some moral support might have just made it a little easier so thought I would pass it along.

On the first night, Ariel's temp dropped slightly - this is very very normal in newborns, but they still did a glucose test at 2 in the morning (after me having no sleep since before labour). His glucose was only slightly on the low side but a midwife came along and just told me they were going to top him up with formula. It took all my energy to refuse and I was met with her treating me like I was hurting my own son and telling me if I refused he would end up in SCBU. Again with what little energy I had left, I said fine but that I was going too. At SCBU they again tried to force me to top up with formula but I said I wanted to try other options first. In the end I fed Ariel skin to skin for over an hour in SCBU and sure enough his temp and glucose levels both rose :dance: - This was very tough to do as I was exhausted and emotional but was the right thing for cub and I. Temperature does tend to drop in newborn as does glucose. If glucose is worryingly low, formula top ups are actually not very efficient and a glucose drip is much better.

Two days later, one of the nurses at SCBU (we were only there for his antibiotics twice a day) thought he looked slightly jaundice (it turns out he wasn't) and told me if I hadn't flushed it out by the next day they would start him on formula top ups. Again I refused and it turned out cub never even had jaundice. Formula top ups are not particularly effective for jaundice either. It is also worth remembering that most newborns get a little bit of jaundice and just remember to drink plenty of water.

The next day, again in SCBU, a nurse remarked on how big Ariel is and began calculating how much milk he would need. She then exclaimed and told me that not only could I not produce enough but my boobs were clearly too small to feed him adequately so I needed to top him up with formula. I was ready to scream at this point. If you and the LO establish good feeding and it's going well, then big babies can be exclusively breastfed. Similarly breast size has no relation whatsoever to milk production.

In the end I stuck to my guns as not only have I been desperate to breastfeed but I also love it and Ariel and I both took to it straight away with no problems. I really had to fight the NHS on this one and it was so upsetting for them to keep threatening to take my baby away from me and force formula. At his 5 day weigh when most babies (especially breastfed) can lose up to 10% of their birth weight - Ariel had in fact gained 100g! He then gained another 260g by day 10 and at 4 weeks just gone he is now 12lbs!

Don't let anyone pressure you out of breastfeeding if you're happy with the way it's going - remember you know yourself and your baby best. From my experience the hospital can be very neglectful of new mummies' needs when it comes to breastfeeding so I thought I would just try and spread some moral support.

By the way this is by no means trying to push breastfeeding. I think it is equally wrong when the NHS tries to bully women into breastfeeding when they're not happy or they are having problems with milk production or latching etc. I totally think it is every woman's individual choice and unfortunately there can be problems - ultimately a happy mummy is the best mummy there is - I just wanted to share my experience from the other side.
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That's absolutely ridiculous! And that was me who thought the NHS just seemed to encourage breastfeeding - not formula feeding!

Sorry to hear they gave you a tough time :hugs:
What a fab post! So sorry your hospital were so unhelpful and were trying so hard for you to use formula when u wanted to bf. Well done you for persevering.
My hospital were fab and even though Fin lost 8% body weight by day3 as we had problems with latching they helped me every step of the way and didn't even offer formula. We ended up using nipple shields and that sorted out the problem and we are still bf-ing 12 weeks on and it's going really well and we love it :-)
Blimey this has surprised me if I am honest. I thought they were all quite militant on bf, obviously not. I can understand if women are too exhausted to bf or latching problems that they would top up with formula but not for things like jaundice, I thought they used lamps for that not feeding.

I've been a bit worried about having small boobs but Mother Nature finds a way huh. I suppose it's more to do with the fact that my sister has a great big pair of bazoomas and could have fed half the babies in the county lol
sorry you had a rough time with ur hopsital, and really glad u persevered and did what was best for you :)

my hospital tries to encourage bf as much as possible and tries to steer clear of formula even when ur haaving problems, they try no help u establish bf before even encouraging formula its such a shame all hospitals are not the same, but good for you xxxx
i got literally no help with latching or anything and have been topping up as she was sleeping more and more and taking less each feed. got over the 5 day soreness now and bf is getting easier so im hoping to phase out top ups.
I asked my mw today about taking formula with me just in case and she said adamantly no. She said even if babies end up in scbu they prefer to top up with expressed breast milk if it's necessary
Can't believe how unsupportive of BFing your hospital were, it's disgraceful. Good for you for being strong and sticking to you guns, can imagine how hard it was after labour and you're so exhausted.

Hope you and LO are doing well now xx
My lo had to be tube fed in scbu and because i was in theatre and they couldn't get a vein to put him a drip in they tubed formula with my consent after the trauma we both went through to get him out i just wanted him right but then once It was his next feed they wheeled me to scbu to feed him myself as I was breastfeeding.

Our hosp are very much for breast feedin and will help whoever needs it to get breastfeeding established
i cant believe they said your boobs werent big enough... i have the worlds smallest boobs and have been leaking colostrum since week 12 so it obviously has nothing to do with breast size, what a way to make you feel inadequate!

well done for persevering ive never known a hospital to be so keen on forcing you not to bf, i hate that midwives can put their biased views across and try and make you do it whatever way they feel is best.

thanks for the thread was good to read xxxx

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