

Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2011
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Hi Ladies,

I'm interested to know if your breastfeeding, when did your periods return? Is it true that if you exclusively breastfeed its not likely you will get pregnant.
And finally what contraception are you using?
You can get pregnant whatever so unless you want another child straight away, Id suggest using something. Whilst breast feeding you have to take the progesterone only pill. The regular pill can affect your milk your doc will fil you in more on the different ones. My periods returned after a couple of months with my little boy even though I exclusively breastfed for nearly a year. Hope this helps
sorry forgot to say...condoms....I tried the mirena coil once and had an awful reaction to it
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My periods returned after first month and have been every 28 days since. I can also tell when im ovulating. I am exclusively breast feeding too. So, be careful :)

Oh and im using abstinance - Tom Prawn is the only man in my life ;)
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Thanks ladies
Damn I thought maybe my periods would stay away for a while, thats a shame, I hope it stays away for a bit I've only just stopped bleeding in the last few days!
I don't think I want another one just yet so will be going on the pill I think!! Funny how I read somewhere that you are unlikely to ovulate if you're exclusively breastfeeding - I don't think I will put that one to the test!
My boy is 1 on Saturday and I had the implant put in when he was 4months and I still haven't had one! I stopped BF a few days ago, but don't know if that made any difference as I BF them both and with my first one they returned after 4 months.
Even 4 months with no period sounds good to me :-) I've got use to no periods now so hope I'm one of the lucky ones.
It's not true about not getting pregnant whilst pregnant... I am proof of that lol

My periods started when my son was 2.5 mths old, he has been breastfed from birth, and they were 28 day cycles just like before I got pregnant.

We started trying for another baby and fell pregnant within 6 weeks of trying, and I'm still BFing my son atm!

Not sure about contraception because I never went back on any and am hoping after this pregnancy that OH will have a vasectomy, if not I may get sterilised instead!

It's not true about not getting pregnant whilst pregnant... I am proof of that lol

My periods started when my son was 2.5 mths old, he has been breastfed from birth, and they were 28 day cycles just like before I got pregnant.

We started trying for another baby and fell pregnant within 6 weeks of trying, and I'm still BFing my son atm!

Not sure about contraception because I never went back on any and am hoping after this pregnancy that OH will have a vasectomy, if not I may get sterilised instead!


LOL well thats great that you didn't have any problems getting pregnant again, I guess it stops some ladies going back to a normal cycle and not others.
Good luck with the pregnancy, you are very brave having 2 LOs very close together. Not sure I could do all these sleepless nights all over again quite so quickly lol xx
It's not true about not getting pregnant whilst pregnant... I am proof of that lol

My periods started when my son was 2.5 mths old, he has been breastfed from birth, and they were 28 day cycles just like before I got pregnant.

We started trying for another baby and fell pregnant within 6 weeks of trying, and I'm still BFing my son atm!

Not sure about contraception because I never went back on any and am hoping after this pregnancy that OH will have a vasectomy, if not I may get sterilised instead!


LOL well thats great that you didn't have any problems getting pregnant again, I guess it stops some ladies going back to a normal cycle and not others.
Good luck with the pregnancy, you are very brave having 2 LOs very close together. Not sure I could do all these sleepless nights all over again quite so quickly lol xx

I know, I think we must be a bit mental lol We did it because of an age thing, I will be 35 in January and didn't really want to be pregnant again much after that, but it will be nice to have 2 close in age too.

And also, we're getting it over and done quickly lol, so while we're having sleepless nights etc we're used to it rather than get used to sleep and free time agian then go back into it...

That's what we're telling ourselves anyway lol
It's not true about not getting pregnant whilst pregnant... I am proof of that lol

My periods started when my son was 2.5 mths old, he has been breastfed from birth, and they were 28 day cycles just like before I got pregnant.

We started trying for another baby and fell pregnant within 6 weeks of trying, and I'm still BFing my son atm!

Not sure about contraception because I never went back on any and am hoping after this pregnancy that OH will have a vasectomy, if not I may get sterilised instead!


LOL well thats great that you didn't have any problems getting pregnant again, I guess it stops some ladies going back to a normal cycle and not others.
Good luck with the pregnancy, you are very brave having 2 LOs very close together. Not sure I could do all these sleepless nights all over again quite so quickly lol xx

I know, I think we must be a bit mental lol We did it because of an age thing, I will be 35 in January and didn't really want to be pregnant again much after that, but it will be nice to have 2 close in age too.

And also, we're getting it over and done quickly lol, so while we're having sleepless nights etc we're used to it rather than get used to sleep and free time agian then go back into it...

That's what we're telling ourselves anyway lol

LOL not at all, I think its lovely having a close age gap. I would like another one in the not too distant future but I don't think my other half will be quite so willing!!
I'm sure you'll do fine when your LO comes along, like you say you are well practised in sleepless nights and they won't last forever!!
Glad you asked this as I was wondering the same thing. Was hoping periods would take a while to return and bf would be a good enough contraception, oh well wishful thinking! I want a small age gap too as I'm getting old so won't be leaving it too long!
I was lucky mine held off until LO was over 8 months old :)
The hormones you produce during bfing are supposed to hold off ovulation but its no guarantee so always safest to use something!
Glad you asked this as I was wondering the same thing. Was hoping periods would take a while to return and bf would be a good enough contraception, oh well wishful thinking! I want a small age gap too as I'm getting old so won't be leaving it too long!

Hmmm yes sounds like I will have to get some contraception because I definitely don't want to be pregnant again straight away. Knowing my luck if I don't I will have another one in 9 months!!
I was thinking of waiting about a year before trying so I think the pill is the best option.
I was lucky mine held off until LO was over 8 months old :)
The hormones you produce during bfing are supposed to hold off ovulation but its no guarantee so always safest to use something!

8 months is good :-) I like the sound of that. No harm being double careful x

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