Breastfeeding 2nd time round.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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I breastfed my son for 3 months, and loved it.
I would love to breastfeed my 2nd child for at least that long r hopefully longer, I just wonder how people do it when they have other children?
As breastfeeding ultimately takes longer than bottle feeding and they want more, so does your child get fed up and throw tantrums etc?
Hey hunni, I've been wondering the same thing as I intend to do it this time aswell and Jacob is very much a Mummys Boy as it is :)
Hello there is only 13 and a half months between my two I breast fed my first bella for three months and zander my second till 6 months I actually found it soooo much easier to feed the se ond ond I used to put belle
in her high chair or at the table her own special colouring book lol she liked that or I would giver her paints chalks (paints aren't a great idea or pens by the by if they are not strapped into a high chair if they go running toward the wall when you can't move haha!) or I would let baby cry for a min and tidy the big toys away and put a DVD on and get belle a cup or bottle of warm milk and she used to snuggle by my side and I used to feed with DVD remote phone house phone and bella by the side of me with blankets and snuggles thi time round I'm buying a sand pit and shall be re using the same DVD things this time round they are too big for high chairs sooo lol I shall see how it works this time lol I'm getting chalks magnets and a board as a present off the baby when ickie boo is born and they can have that as there own special time :D
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Hello there is only 13 and a half months between my two I breast fed my first bella for three months and zander my second till 6 months I actually found it soooo much easier to feed the se ond ond I used to put belle
in her high chair or at the table her own special colouring book lol she liked that or I would giver her paints chalks (paints aren't a great idea or pens by the by if they are not strapped into a high chair if they go running toward the wall when you can't move haha!) or I would let baby cry for a min and tidy the big toys away and put a DVD on and get belle a cup or bottle of warm milk and she used to snuggle by my side and I used to feed with DVD remote phone house phone and bella by the side of me with blankets and snuggles thi time round I'm buying a sand pit and shall be re using the same DVD things this time round they are too big for high chairs sooo lol I shall see how it works this time lol I'm getting chalks magnets and a board as a present off the baby when ickie boo is born and they can have that as there own special time :D
Good idea Evie! :D Jacob loves his milk even now he has cow and gate toddler milk in a baby bottle for comfort as he doesnt use a dummy :)
Thanks for this post! I b/f my DD for 4 months and loved it, cocked up and introduced formula which ended up drying milk up so had to stop but this time round I plan to feed until baby weans off, a year if they'll go that long. I hope to be able to use a sling and breastfeed handsfree. DD fed every hour and a half for 6 weeks then every 2 &1/2 hours so incase it's like that this time I'll need to be mobile while feeding


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