Feeding baby...

I'm going to breastfeed. I am really nervous though as I had so many issues with Seren, but I have the advantage now of knowing that it does get easier and plus it was such an amazing experience to feed her till she was 20 months. I also have my support group ready too :)
I'm hoping to breastfeed this one as well. ~I BF my last 3 :D

My first dd i had trouble with, i nearly gave up and was stuck in hospital for 5 days as they didn't want to seem to let me leave until i'd mastered it :shock: in the end i said i just wanna go home and might be more relaxed about it and i was.

#2 i fed for about 6 weeks but he was just too hungry, feeding all the time i couldn't keep up so i gave him a bottle one night and he slept thru, from that moment on he was on bottle.

With #3 well he just took to it like a duck to water, only stopped feeding him in april this year, he was 19 months :shock: I never dreamed i would feed a baby for so long but it was just so natural it seemed to go on and i thought i'd never be 'not' feeding him but i had to saty in hospital with my ectopic so i dropped it from then.

I would say to anyone who really wants to breastfeed, keep persevering, there will be times at the start when you think you just can't carry on, like they are always hanging off you, you'll get so sore that those 1st few seconds of latching on hurt like hell, just grit your teeth, you'll get past it, b4 you know it you'll be feeding regurlarly and without pain from sore/cracked nipples.

Also DON'T even attemp to express for the 1st 6 weeks as your body will be establishing its natural feeding pattern and you'll mess it up and could even become engorged, god i remember trying to express, could never get a lot out and this one day i just kept going and going and still nothing...the next day OMG :shock: my (.)(.) were like rocks they hurt like hell. apparently even if you don't get much out at first, the mimicking suckling action stimulates the breast and you'll prodce it a day or two later.

You WILL lose weight quicker, it just seems to drop off you and shrinks your uterus back down quicker too, you can wake up in the night, feed straight away and re settle baby without waiting around and it gets cold in winter in the night if the heating isn't on :lol: you dont need to take as much stuff out and about with you or worry if you're out longer than planned that you'll run out of milk and its a hell of a lot cheaper too.

Also, sorry for gong on but i suggest if you wanna mix breast and bottle, being either formula or expressed breastmilk, use these...it won't confuse the baby as a breast is much harder to go back to after a bottle...



i had a friend who had one, they are gr8, feeli and look so real.

Info on these can be found at www.adiri.com

(if i'm not allowed to post this link, sorry and please remove)
Thanks moomoo...

I found that really encouraging. I think I'm lucky because I'll have plenty of support but even so it's nice to hear a bit of detail and some good suggestions. I like the thought of leaving it for 6 weeks before expressing.
i wanted to breast feed last time, i did for a short while and expressed but became ill and dehyrdated and gave up

this time im not giving up, ive already found theres a local support group so im going to that, i want lots of support around me to keep encouraging me as its sooo easy to give up and get a bottle of forumla.

ive decided i want to at least do it to 6 months :D
moomoo192 said:


i had a friend who had one, they are gr8, feeli and look so real.

Info on these can be found at www.adiri.com

Well I love those bottles...but they cost 18€ per bottle here..and that's a bit expensive.. :roll: I very rarely heated Tia's bottle milk if she had any, so she never had nipple confusion... she knew cold stuff = bottle, warm stuff = mummy... and she was so hungry she never cared as long as someone gave her food.. :roll: nothing changes :rotfl:
kellysomer said:
:wall: Oh no not the great bottle V's breast feeding debate again, dont turn it into a debate please or i'm gonna hide....... :cry:


WHY SAY THAT??? :think:

its not a debate. for goodness sake.
people like you cause debates putting that :wall: what you have written is so provocative :wall:
beanie said:
I'm going to breastfeed. I am really nervous though as I had so many issues with Seren, but I have the advantage now of knowing that it does get easier and plus it was such an amazing experience to feed her till she was 20 months. I also have my support group ready too :)
you'll be fine beanie! and you've only just stopped. i reckon your challenge is stopping seren wanting a bit too :rotfl:
SQUIG i've seen the bottles on ebay too but can't remember what they were listed as, couldn't find them last night.

Another good tip, if you wanna persevere DON'T keep formula in the house, only get it when you really feel you need to, with my first 2 i had it in cupboard just in case and its so easy to use, if its not there you DO persevere but you can always pop out and get some whenever you need to if you really do feel the time is right to use it, Tesco open 24 hours in most places don't forget. :D

Good luck to all of you, you'll be fine
I hope to breastfeed again. I BF my first for 3 weeks and 2nd for 6 months so praying I can do it again :D
budge said:
beanie said:
I'm going to breastfeed. I am really nervous though as I had so many issues with Seren, but I have the advantage now of knowing that it does get easier and plus it was such an amazing experience to feed her till she was 20 months. I also have my support group ready too :)
you'll be fine beanie! and you've only just stopped. i reckon your challenge is stopping seren wanting a bit too :rotfl:

I think she will ask when she see's me feeding baby. I am not sure how I feel about tandem feeding but I will probably let her have a try in case she is just wanting reassurance the new baby isn't takig her place. She is funny though, you say to her "where are Seren's boobies" and she points at mine. :rotfl:
ot sure if i want to feed till its past 1.. might give it bottle before it gets to 6 months..and express..
Thats how i felt Lisa, after seeing a program on telly about prolonged BF till the age of 6/7+ ( :puke: ) i said to my mum i didn't like the thought of feeding after it started crawling and jabbering as they are becoming more toddlers then than babies then but mine just refused formula and Expressed in a bottle :wall: i Never in a million years thought i'd feed him as long as i did but i just went with the flow and it seemed natural right to the end, i never thought i'd be able to wean him but the hospital stay did the trick and i just took it from there. It was hard but i'm glad i did or i'm sure i'd still be feeding him now :rotfl: :rotfl:

I think with this one i will definately try weaning by about 6 months
budge said:
kellysomer said:
:wall: Oh no not the great bottle V's breast feeding debate again, dont turn it into a debate please or i'm gonna hide....... :cry:

WHY SAY THAT??? :think:

its not a debate. for goodness sake.
people like you cause debates putting that :wall: what you have written is so provocative :wall:

i think she was just saying hope we keep this friendly, as previously if this topic was ever mentioned it turned quite nasty. i agree with kelly, i hate it when this topic turns into a debate
Please dont beat yourselves up over how your going to feed your babys.

I have tried twice to breastfeed and have found it impossible and frusrating and heartbreaking when i have had to turn to formula.
When i resorted to bottles second time around i stood making them sobbing nd wondering why the hell coudnt i do it?

But....my baby is happy and beautiful and sleeping well and amazing me everyday so formula cant be that bad and without it.....our babies wouldnt survive.
every1 is so different. But i believe that in the old days most people had no choice but to breast feed so think most of us can. I'll sure be trying. If she does not like my breast i will express it for sure as at least she will still get the goodness from me. My friend who had a breast reduction could not breast feed and her baby is fine on formula
Thanks Paradysso!

Budge it was a joke hence the jokey smileys........... lighten up hun, i'm glad this thread is not an arguement!!!! :rotfl:

Does anyone know if expressing affects the way the baby feeds off you, ie stretchng your nipple. I assume it increases the milk flow if you express?
ahh dont listen to budge.. shes busy looking for messages in a spiders web lol..
lisa&alex said:
ahh dont listen to budge.. shes busy looking for messages in a spiders web lol..

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Nothing messes with the peace and tranquility of 2nd tri... we are all nuts anyways...

As for the great debate.. happy mummy equals happy baby no matter what you do... EVERY midwife, doctor, HV, mum believes that.. :roll: :roll: So do exactly what you want as long as you and baby are happy :D

PLUS!!!... all the boob milk in the world isn't going to come up against the great demon McDonalds and the all powerful advertising firms for kiddy crap.. :roll: :rotfl:

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