I'm hoping to breastfeed this one as well. ~I BF my last 3
My first dd i had trouble with, i nearly gave up and was stuck in hospital for 5 days as they didn't want to seem to let me leave until i'd mastered it

in the end i said i just wanna go home and might be more relaxed about it and i was.
#2 i fed for about 6 weeks but he was just too hungry, feeding all the time i couldn't keep up so i gave him a bottle one night and he slept thru, from that moment on he was on bottle.
With #3 well he just took to it like a duck to water, only stopped feeding him in april this year, he was 19 months

I never dreamed i would feed a baby for so long but it was just so natural it seemed to go on and i thought i'd never be 'not' feeding him but i had to saty in hospital with my ectopic so i dropped it from then.
I would say to anyone who really wants to breastfeed, keep persevering, there will be times at the start when you think you just can't carry on, like they are always hanging off you, you'll get so sore that those 1st few seconds of latching on hurt like hell, just grit your teeth, you'll get past it, b4 you know it you'll be feeding regurlarly and without pain from sore/cracked nipples.
Also DON'T even attemp to express for the 1st 6 weeks as your body will be establishing its natural feeding pattern and you'll mess it up and could even become engorged, god i remember trying to express, could never get a lot out and this one day i just kept going and going and still nothing...the next day OMG

my (.)(.) were like rocks they hurt like hell. apparently even if you don't get much out at first, the mimicking suckling action stimulates the breast and you'll prodce it a day or two later.
You WILL lose weight quicker, it just seems to drop off you and shrinks your uterus back down quicker too, you can wake up in the night, feed straight away and re settle baby without waiting around and it gets cold in winter in the night if the heating isn't on

you dont need to take as much stuff out and about with you or worry if you're out longer than planned that you'll run out of milk and its a hell of a lot cheaper too.
Also, sorry for gong on but i suggest if you wanna mix breast and bottle, being either formula or expressed breastmilk, use these...it won't confuse the baby as a breast is much harder to go back to after a bottle...
i had a friend who had one, they are gr8, feeli and look so real.
Info on these can be found at
(if i'm not allowed to post this link, sorry and please remove)