Hi, i thought i would give some advice as a mum who has just finished breast feeding at 8 months.
If you can breastfeed then great but if you can't please don't beat your self up as there are pleanty of healthly bottle babes out there.
I decided i wanted to breast feed, and read quite afew books before baby was born, all of which seemed to put across that it was natural and easy to do.
I would say that the first 3 weeks are the hardest and if you can get throught that then you will have cracked it!, it is a learning curve for you and baby, relax as much as you can, and make sure you are comfortable.
The first week your boobs will be sore and you may find baby is feeding every 1.5rs which is draining in its self, prepare to be sat down on the sofa/feeding chair alot, make the area comfortable with everything in reach phone, snack, water, tv remote! cloths. you will probablge t get cracked nipples and hopefully not mastitis.
I found my self crying at night because i was so sore, and baby just fed fed fed al the time in the evening, but hubby would let me go have a bath whilst he calmed baby for me,
My mum kept telling me to give the bottle, including my dad - what i needed was support!! and encouragement and my hubby was great!!! but i also found great support with a local breastfeeding support group i could go there and chat to other mums who were having the same troubles as me, and see other babies and get advice on various aspects, i even got my nursing bras there and they are much better than the mothercare ones.
Anyway i am rambling now in short in short it is hard at first.
get support, look after your self, read some books (does help)
Don't be afraid of using aids i.e nipple shields my mv was dead agaisnt them but they helped my boy latch on as i had v large boobs! and then i weaned him off them. and he is just coming of the breast now as he has teeth.!!!
It is an amasing experience. Good luck