Breast milk and formula


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2009
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Amazing - you can't read it 100% but can sort of make it out!! :) I've bf and ff so don't have a "view" each to their own but I found this amazing x
I think its amazing what our bodies can do

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Yep that's the one :) I can see on my phone but its squashed my picture for tapatalk but that's it x
wow, amazing!! thanks for this link, must show oh :)
Amazing! Aren't we clever to produce something like that!! X
Now I feel even worst that I didn't manage to bf :( not that I didn't know it already that breast is best :(
Looks amazing!
It's fantastic isn't it I knew when I was bf I was giving the kids good stuff but I just thought it was like formula and just anti bodies but to produce all that is amazing
Don't beat yourself up bab with my first my milk dried up at 3 months and so I ff she is now 5 yrs old and thriving
Now I feel even worst that I didn't manage to bf :( not that I didn't know it already that breast is best :(
Looks amazing!

Ohy!!! Less of that!!! Breast milk is fantastic but the next best thing is formula.....but above all the best best best thing you can give your child is you love and that's what the most important thing is x
Now I feel even worst that I didn't manage to bf :( not that I didn't know it already that breast is best :(
Looks amazing!

You did bf. just because you didn't manage it as long as others shouldn't matter. Everyone does it for different lengths of time. X

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
:hugs: you did your best hun, she got the best start. x
BF is bloody hard, I think sometimes people underestimate just how hard it is (for something supposedly natural!!). You have nothing to feel bad about :hugs: x
Breastfeeding vs. Formula
There is no doubt that breastfeeding is the most natural thing for your baby but .... If there is no choice and you have to feed your baby with Formula You should note that each time you open the formula Can a bacterial and infections entering to the Can.
You should maintain hygiene constantly before you preparing your baby formula.
Amazing, I saw this a few weeks back and was astonded x
cos you are totally right about bfing being harder than people think for something natural. i bf ds1 at first and ebm ds2 and its surprisingly hard. There should be more infor about it .... maybe a video blog should be set up for women so thery can see the daily struggle until it all settles down etc .... xx

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