She's been doing it from about 4weeks.. I don't know of its what's working but I feed her in bed with me and then swaddle her when I put her down only for her last feed.. So that's her routine really only being fed in my bed and swaddled.. During the day I wrap her loosely.. She sleeps so much in the day only awake for max 2hours.. I don't cuddle her or rock her coz I made that mistake with my first! Used to take two hours to get her to sleep coz I rocked her to sleep as a baby! She's hardly ever held only when she's awake with family members.. Always in her little chair
forever dozing off lol! I'm expecting her to change soon and be more alert in the day..
She's so used to sleeping alot I can get her in the car for the school run and feed her when I get home.. She usually wakes every four hrs on the dot but there are times I have to wake her.. Is this normal?? Do u think he's getting enough milk?? I'm worried she's exhausted from not getting enough as she seems to do ten mins max on each breast and the let down only lasts a couple of mins where I hear her swallowing and sucking noises like she's on a bottle (my mum says that's what she sounds like lol) but then she seems to slow down her suck and can't see her swallowing.. She's started to headbutt an get angry at the end of each side too..