Bored baby


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2011
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I'm kind of running out of ideas of things to do with Samira and wanted to pick all your brains on that matter!

Samira is getting bored of her playmat, her cuddly toys and her rattles, and there are only so many hours a day I am willing to sing all the lullabies and nursery rhymes in my repertoire and read her all her books... :wink:

I've never had this problem with my older 2, as by the age of 5 months they were accomplished rollers and entertained themselves by wreaking havoc around the house. But Samira has rolled over from back to front 3 times and has decided that that's enough, so now she just lies around bored and annoyed most of the time. Any ideas?

I don't really want to go down the jumparoo route, as one of my best friends is a physiotherapist and has advised me against these, as well as any other type of toys that make babies sit or stand up before they can do so unaided (which Samira can't). (I know many ladies here use these toys, I don't mean to undermine anybody's choices at all, I've just decided for us that we're going to stear clear).

Can anybody recommend any brilliant, interesting toys, or has any ideas of fun games to play with a 5-month-old? I appreciate your input! Thanks!
there are playmats with lights and sounds built into the bottom mat, maybe tummy time on one of those kind of things would encourage her to roll more and get about a bit on her own
Is there not a a Lamaze mat thats good for tummy time with different things on it??

What about a light show??


On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
Yes yes yes!! I got Tyler a moving ball! I'll upload a video later! We've decided against a jumparoo for the same reasons

Just realised - do you have CDs of nursery rhymes. G will lie And listen to my iPhone for ages - granted she prefers country and western to nursery rhymes. Lol xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
Get the saucepans out with a wooden spoon, and whack the radio on so it's not too painful for youself.
Thank you for the tips! I have just bought one of those sound balls off ebay, yay!! The lamaze mats look great, but unfortunately they are a bit too expensive for us, even on ebay. I think I'll try my luck with that board/walker toy next, I think she might like that one! I have quite a few CDs with nursery rhymes and lullabies and Samira does like them, but still wants to be entertained whilst they are on (sigh). The pots and pans I'm sure will be a great hit soon - I still remember my older daughter's concerts! - but I think I'll wait until Samira can sit up and has some more control over her movements - at the moment, I'm afraid she's poke both her eyes out within a matter of seconds... :roll:
Hey chick,

I remember the feeling... Most people say that its easier having a baby that doesn't move...but I would def say different lol... as you literally have to do most of the entertaining lol...
My lo didn't move any where until he was about 13 months :shock: :shock:!! I did use a Bumbo with a tray which I thought was fab. Never used the Jumperoo. I also used to prop Lo up with cushions in a sitting position. I found that this made it easier for him to interact with his toys (he preferred playing with his toys in a sitting position).
We started weaning at six months, he could just about sit up unaided by then. And he loved being in his high chair, watching me sort out dinner.
I would def go for toys with lights, music. Or the pots and pans

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