Booby question


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2011
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Strange question coming up here and I know I'm probably clutching at straws but ya know how it is lol well anyways usually from around 4-5 dpo ish I get sore boobs which gradually gets worse as the days pass and they get so sore they are painfull to touch anyhoooo this cycle no sore boobs until now 10-11 dpo and that's just wen I give them a squeeze haha anyone experienced this and got a Bfp it's just not the normal for me like I said clutching at straws lol I've not realy had the usually pms symptoms this cycle either god I hope this is it fr me I'm so sick of this whole ttc journey I want to graduate now to the tris it's my turn (stamps feet lol ) xx
I never had painful boobs until I was a good few weeks pregnant. Something out of the norm is always a good thing. I've got my fingers crossed for you! xxx
I didn't get sore boobs before I got my bfp Jojo. And I usually do get sore boobs in my 2ww so I would be taking this as a positive sign. I'm hoping and praying for you Jojo, I want you over in tri one with me! xxxx
The day before I got my BFP my nipples started off sore and my boobs progressively got sorer as the day went along. Different to the tender boobs I get when AF is en route xx
The months I got my bfp's I didn't really have symptoms like other months pmsl. Hope it's a good sign for you Jo xx
My boobs are normally sore starting from immed after ovulation and usually start to settle down the day or so before af but when I'm pregnant they get noticeably sorer from about 10dpo. Good luck xxx
Thnx all for replying :) hope it's a gd sign for me lol I'm 11or 12 dpo can't remember they have started to get a tad sore wen I poke or squeeze then as ya do lol but nothing like usual oh well time will tell hey x
Fingers & toes crossed for you xx
With my dd I didn't really had sore boobs until confirmed bfp with a digi (14dpo).

Good luck!!

Oh Jojo , anything out of the norm pattern is a good and suspicious sign!

Are you going to test? Orcwsit you normally test morning of 12dpo dont you?

Crossed everything xx
Noooooo no testing now I wait I'm waiting n seeing if af arrives by Thursday at latest if nothing by Thursday il go by a test :) I'm on the fence I don't trust anything these days but a possitive test lol time will tell xx
ok no more pressure to test early! (I'm just jelous that you can wait, and I never can! lol)

stay away AF, you are not visiting JoJo for 9 months!!
You can do anything u set ur mind to Angela :) I have gd will power if I set my mind to summet I sort of bet myself I can do it lol yer I know I'm crazy hehe hope it does stay away but who am I kidding she will be here I just know it x
I'll try that next cycle Jojo.......see how far I can get......:)

:af::af::af::af::af::af::af::af::af::af::af: surround yourself with these :)
I am now 9DPO and got nada symptoms except stabbing pains on my right side and the odd cramp too!! That is not normally like me but I'm not holding my breath for this cycle x
I've had nothing at all this cycle my noobs got a bit sore 10-12 dpo but that's gone now they are usually sore right up till af or day after according to ff today is my most common day for af which is Lutual day 13 I've a dpfew weird things going on in tummy just under belly button but I wouldn't say it's af or preg related I'm totally confused and thrown by this cycle be glad wen its over or I get a Bfp lol only 2 more days to wait lol

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