Boobs leaking!


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2011
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I had read about peoples boobs leaking when they were around crying babies, but it didn't occur to me that mine would! was cuddling my cousins little girl who was crying and realized afterwards my boobs were leaking! Sorry really pointless and tmi thread, theyre all itchy and sore now! just start I know... How on earth do our bodies know.. its mad what mother nature can do. Be appreciated if she could wait for it to be my baby tho lol xd
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Not heard of this before! Wow our bodies are amazing. Xx
Mad isn't it!... Found this on google!

In the first weeks of lactation, your "letdown reflex" — the reflex that releases the milk produced by your breasts — is still being tailored to respond to the sensation of your baby nursing. Frequent nursing will help the reflex become attuned to that particular stimulation, but until then, many sensations and even thoughts may trigger it.

Hearing your baby or another baby crying, thinking about your baby, smelling your baby, or sitting in the chair where you usually nurse your baby might be enough in these early weeks to make your body to release the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin causes the cells in the milk-making lobes of your breasts to contract and eject the milk toward the nipple, where your baby can pump it out. (If your baby isn't nursing at that moment, the milk may leak or even spray.)

The more often you nurse in the early days and weeks, the more quickly your reflex will become attuned to your baby, and spontaneous letdowns (and leaks) will gradually disappear. (There's a wide variation in normal breastfeeding experience, however, and many women never leak.)]
Omg wow! Our bodies truly are amazing lol x

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intresting u said this my friend told me the same thing last nite about boobs leaking around crying babies
Was the first time they'd done it, and they haven't leaked since! going to see my cousin and his little girl again later so will be intrigued to see if she's crying whether they leak again! x

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