BMI worry what midwife will say


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Jan 14, 2017
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When I was pregnant with my dd I am not sure what my weight was or bmi but I have always been on the heavy side then my weight sky rocketed after dd was born last summer when we decided we would like another baby I started to slowly loose weight with my bmi going from 41 and now I am 33.4 although I have only just had my bfp. Last time my midwife was so nasty to me making comments all the way through my pregnancy I was so embarrassed I was making excuses not to take husband to my consultant/midwife appointments incase thry made comments about my weight. Even during labour just before pushing a midwife made a comment I was devastated.

We have since moved to another area so will have a new midwife team etc but wondering do people still have issues with midwives making I can prepare myself?
Hi Sazza.

Im the same i was overweight having my daughter and noone mentioned anything. I got pregnant nearly a year later expecting our second baby in march. But this time round my midwife made comments about my weight. I just waved it off saying id not lost baby weight and id had my daughter less than a year ago.

When she asked me at my 16 week appointment whether I'd felt any movement and i said no she said it was to do with my bmi. I felt horrible at that comment and couldn't get my head round it. I'm only a stone heavier than last pregnancy. Turns out my placenta is anterior and that was cushioning any early movements.

I wouldn't worry about what the midwives say i haven't had aby comments since and my bmi is like 38. Any comments now will be met with a hard stare.

Don't let anyone spoil your pregnancy hun. There's plenty of time left once you've had baby to lose any weight... That's if you want to - no judgement here. Xxx
Thank you I was mortified and hated going to any appointments. I am getting my husband to look in loft for my old notes to see if it says on there. I am so nervous about going for my booking in. I didnt expect to conceive first time to be honest and had planned on more weight loss but that will have to stop now.
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My BMI is 32, the midwife was totally fine about it...she called my GP to ask for a prescription for higher dosage of folic acid because my BMI was over 30 and she let me know I will have to have the glucose tolerance test x

I have a high BMI too. My midwives have been fine but the consultant I saw was horrid. Totally patronising, talking to me like I was stupid (I'm fat not thick a*** hole!!), told me if I want to look nice in my wedding photos I should lose weight and so on! All in front of a trainee too! Unfortunately I have had to see him twice now and I have one more appointment with him. He is very negative and actively seems to be looking for things to go wrong. He is now talking about inducing me at 38 weeks..... I don't have GD and the baby is weighing average and not on the large scale at all, plus I've kept my weight gain down lime he asked. So I really don't know what his problem is.

It is horrible to hear but for me it has helped me watch my weight whereas before I might not have paid too much attention to it. Try not to let it spoil your pregnancy. Hopefully your new midwife team will be much nicer about it xx
Are any of you from Lancashire at all....incase we might have the same team...I am keeping everything crossed they are nice.
Wow. My BMI is high to. I'm not looking forward to this now :( I'm high risk anyways due to my MCs. Xx
My BMI is 36, and my midwife was lovely about it really. I guess she could tell I was uncomfortable about it and just went though the extra things I need. She said I was low risk other than that due to everything else, so she wasn't worried. But I did get high dose folic acid and an extra scan (which I am not gonna complain about!).
So what hospital would you give birth in in Rossendale? I live in Blackburn so they closed our maternity unit down so it is Burnley hospital now for hospital births.
I'm not sure what my BMI was but when I was pregnant with my son my midwife did make a lot of comments about how much weight I was putting on. I had a normal BMI when I got pregnant but I did put too much weight on during pregnancy, however I was young and it was my first baby... also my baby was healthy.
It did make me feel bad about going to my appointments. I didn't feel like I got any support about the weight gain which looking back is what annoys me the most, if she had offered advice and support maybe I wouldn't have put as much weight on or maybe I would. However instead she just made me feel bad and the only thing you could have possibly seen as ''advice'' was constantly telling me not to eat sweet things... however my response to that was, I'm pregnant I'm craving something sweet I'm going to eat something sweet.
My BMI is 32, the midwife was totally fine about it...she called my GP to ask for a prescription for higher dosage of folic acid because my BMI was over 30 and she let me know I will have to have the glucose tolerance test x

Interesting you mention that, I am still TTC and have been taking folic acid for a good 3 years now and I had heard that a 5mg dose was advisable for a higher BMI like I have, I asked a doctor who gave me a repeat presecription for it no problem.

Went to an appointment with the only doc available and she was very difficult about it asking me why I wasnt just buying it at the shop and why 'I think I need' 5mg and if there is no family history of neural tube defects then I dont need it.

Have any doctors told you it isnt necessary?
Sparkle, when I went to my miscarriges appointment he seemed confused as to why I was taking 5mg!! I was like i was told to by gyne... he said no you dint need it only people with epilepsy or similar conditions should be taking it. Which made me think wtf tbh, everyone with recurrent miscarriges takes it, how does he not know this? X
Sparkle, when I went to my miscarriges appointment he seemed confused as to why I was taking 5mg!! I was like i was told to by gyne... he said no you dint need it only people with epilepsy or similar conditions should be taking it. Which made me think wtf tbh, everyone with recurrent miscarriges takes it, how does he not know this? X

My doc actually got her BMA handbook out to 'prove me wrong' it really is a worry that some just dont seem to know something like that xx
I had my appointment with the midwife for ladies with higher bmi yesterday. She was all doom and gloom telling me all the things that could go wrong. Baby could get stuck, have a higher chance of being bigger than average, I'm more likely to need a c section apparently larger mums are lazy so dont do well with pushing! Was not happy when she said that.
She also said if theres a problem with baby they probably wont be able to pick it up because of my weight.

Was not a fun appointment.
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Ugh I don't get why they need to be so horrible, I mean it is what it is. We can't change it now as we're not supposed to lose weight (and actually I lost 2st before getting pregnant), so why be horrible about it? It's just bullying!
To reassure some of you my midwife was lovely! My bmi is 0.5 over the threshold for consultant led care but she just mentioned that, but no judgement at all. She was a bigger lady herself so suppose she couldn't judge but I hate the fact people are being made to feel awful!
I've been eating healthily since I found out (with the exception of todaybwhere I had 2 donuts for breakfast!) and haven't gained any weight yet, but my midwife was lovely, I'd like to think the rude ones are a minority!!
The worst comment I got was when I was pushing with my 1st and rhe midwife said loud enough for my husband and othee midwives to hear was

You clearly weigh more than 15st so we are going to need to give you a bigger injection so I replied with I am 15st 1lb as I was at the time her reply was thats still too heavy then.

I was mortified and so real need at that time especially
Sparkle it was actually the first I heard of it, my friends bmi was over 30 in her last pregnancy and her current one and she was never advised to take more folic acid and she goes to the same hospital as me! The midwife just rang the Drs reception and told the receptionist I needed it and she arranged it with a Dr so I didn't hear any comments from the Dr, she said I would only need to take 5mg until 12 weeks so I only got a months supply

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