My GP puts all her high risk ladies on 5mg folic acid, she gave it to me due to recurrent mc and at no point mentioned my bmi (which was 30.5 when we conceived, I struggle with bmi all the time as I'm quite short, broad, strong and carry a lot of muscle, I do have some excess fat but I'm still fit, something a lot just won't accept can be true!). I had put on weight by my booking in and it was higher but noone mentioned it, they put you on the higher risk pathway if it is over 35 at my hospital (which mine wasn't).
I do have a consultant appointment at about 32 weeks but apparently this is due to us being a fertility treatment pregnancy. My midwife has never commented, I'm semi expecting the consultant to be rude to me though (as that has just been my previous experience, they always seem rude and sometimes fairly clueless?!).
I do have a consultant appointment at about 32 weeks but apparently this is due to us being a fertility treatment pregnancy. My midwife has never commented, I'm semi expecting the consultant to be rude to me though (as that has just been my previous experience, they always seem rude and sometimes fairly clueless?!).