BMI when conceived?

Mine was 31 at booking. I completely agree Vicxzy, BMI means chuff as it doesn't take your body make up into account! I'm not a slim girl, but I'm not fat and no one ever believes I weigh what I do! I've been a horse rider my whole life and don't have wobbly bits anywhere, it's all still toned yet I still got given the NHS high BMI leaflet and am labelled as obese! My midwife told me she has to give it to me but really I should just chuck it in the bin!
Mine was exactly 30, dread to think what it is now, I'm boycotting the Wii but not boycotting chocolate!
Mine was 36.84, knew I was overweight before I got preggers so no real surprise there.
Mine was 31

As people have said before BMI if you are healthy and look ok is not worth worrying about they do not take into account your frame or muscle mass - muscle weighs a lot more than fat!

I have always weighed heavier than I look which is why, up until I got pregnant I did not weight myself very often I went off clothes size and how I looked. Even when I was a tiny size 8 I weighed heavy.

Also, I read somewhere while pregnant bmi is void - the only BMI figure that matters to the doctors etc is your BMI at conception\booking.
I was 19.3 before I conceived my son 5.5 years ago and now I'm 21.9 (about 1 stone heavier than I was before).

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