has anyone tried the chinese gender predictor

it said my 1st should of been a boy - i had a girl.
this time I'm predicted a girl, so maybe I'll have a little boy lol
there's a 50/50chance it'll be right so i'm not taking any notice :lol:
Says Laceys a boy which is wrong but did say charley is a boy too which is correct!
said a girl for me. however i did another chinese gender prediction chart on thebump.com and it says a boy...
Didn't work for me either - said girl for when I conceived Joseph & says girl again this time. Maybe it's another boy then!
It's just for fun, but I'm ignoring it & again am not going to find out what I'm having as I loved being told after all that pushing what I'd had & it being a surprise.

Sunnyb x
Was right with my first, predicted girl - I have been told I'm having a boy this time and it's predicted girl, so don't think it's an exact science!
Well Im predicted to have a boy...only another 4 months till we know if its right lol xx
Haha all the ones I have tried now say a girl, but unles the hospital was wrong it's definately a boy!
Ha love it....well they have a 50/50 chance of being right dont they so Im sure they are right for some of us nut not for the rest of us lol!

Most of my friends and family think Im having a boy....Ive swayed from week to week but I do tend to say oh hes on the move again think thats just a habbit thing tho!

Cant wait to meet him or her tho! xxx
I took this recently, I am very early pregnant. It says I will have a boy.. weird, but apparantly correct..!!
Rósa;1683297 said:
Says girl for me, will let you know by end of the month! (I'm convinced its a boy :lol:)

Well been told its 80% sure its a girl, will double check on tuesday
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It says boy for me and I wanna girl so I don't like it :P
It says boy for me and I wanna girl so I don't like it :P

Hmm actually just done it again and it says girl now, not sure if I did it wrong before - surely I'd not get my age wrong though and month of conception?
it says girl for me and scan said boy, nub theory was girl too, and also only had sex once a week before ovulation so on that basis should have been a girl too lol.

1st says girl and he's a boy
2nd was right with girl
3rd was right with boy
4th was right with girl
5th says girl and he was boy

so half right half wrong lol, but i defy all the odds anyway my friend uses me in her sex ed classes, I got pregnant on a period, i got pregnant breastfeeding when baby was only 7 weeks old, got pregnant on a pull out, got pregnant 1st night. I know all of these are possible but teenagers think not so i get used as example hehe.
It says boy for me will have to wait until baby arrives to see if it's right but guess it's got a 50-50 chance! x

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