BMI when conceived?

Mine was 32 when i fell pregnant, n now shes 10weeks old 2mo its 29!!! :-) x
mine was 42.6 .. apparently i am obese shameful!!

appearently im one of the this fat people who doesnt look too bad because ive my height, or its all in the right places. hahaha

the computer never lies......!

wings can i be nosy and ask why your curious?xxx

Just seen this post and it interested me. My BMI is about 32 and Im on Weight Watchers at the moment. I was worried Id never get pregnant and if I did Id MC but it seems BMI and weight doesnt affect too many people and it can still happen easily and healthily. Im a size 16 and I carry my weight well because Im tall, everyone says "but youre not fat" erm helllooooo look past my tattoos, wacky hair and massive eyes and see my bod lol
Mine was 26 now Oliver is 4 weeks it is 22 whoop whoop x

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Out of interest Wings - what's your BMI & why were you curious to know?

Sunnyb xxx

Mine is 18.0

I can't put weight on. I've obviously read up on the recommended guidelines, but I wondered how the reality stacked up against the quoted 'ideal'.

Thanks for all the replies.

I guess that if your the right weight for 'you' then your comfortable and happy and I'm a firm believer that that makes as bigger difference as anything else!
Out of interest Wings - what's your BMI & why were you curious to know?

Sunnyb xxx

Mine is 18.0

I can't put weight on. I've obviously read up on the recommended guidelines, but I wondered how the reality stacked up against the quoted 'ideal'.

Thanks for all the replies.

I guess that if your the right weight for 'you' then your comfortable and happy and I'm a firm believer that that makes as bigger difference as anything else!

im the same ive tried everything and eat what ever takes my fancy and i dont gain anything it annoys me lol
Mine was 22 and if I read my hospital notes right it was still 22 last week. The wii thinks otherwise though...!!!
mine was 31, been that way for a long time
I was BMI 20 when I conceived BMI 22 now, cant shift the last stone of baby weight!
I guess people are always paranoid about BMI if it's over or under because of health implications involved! Most people who are obese would give anything to be under & those under would more than likely want to put weight on. I think if you eat healthily & exercise & are not eating loads of take aways or surviving on next to nothing & starving yourself every day then that's healthier. Some people carry weight better than others & some are naturally slim. As long as you feel healthy in yourself & know you're eating well whilst pregnant then don't worry.
I think if you are concerned about being over or under weight then see your GP & they can refer you to a nutritionist.

Sunnyb xxx
mine was 19 before getting pregnant. and now at 31 weeks im 18.5 i lost alot of weight in 1st trimester and still trying to gain it back
mines as 20.84 no idea what it is now tho iv only put wieght on my belly with the bump nowhere else so probs not gone up too much just yet x
Mine was 29 when I conceived, but im 7lbs lighter now! x
BMI is a load of bobbins anyway if you ask me, according to it im obese & I was still obese at a size 10!
I have a large frame, big feet. hands, broad shoulders, tall etc but Im not fat although I weigh a lot & I have 34 H boobs! My brother was a professional Boxer & was told at 14st & 6ft 3 that he was obese but there wasnt an ounce of fat on him, things like muscle etc arent taken into account, I think they should use % body fat as a better indicator. x

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