bloody show...

My midwife told me unless told by my head consultantnat the hosp she would be able to give me a sweep till I was 40+ weeks as it was a legal guideline now she told
me this when I was only 6 weeks pregnant hahahahaha!
I always demanded sweep after 40 weeks as first went 16 days over and i had to have him at big city hospital as i went to be induced. o beg and cry and i'm sure you'll get your way - if its any consolation i reacon you'll have him by then xxxxx
the midwife at hospital last week told me to see consultant but im goin to ask midwife in the morning and i will shed lots of tears and through a huge tantrum because im not sitting about this house in tears again from exhaustion and frustration! ohh i hope your right would be lovely to have him some time very soon before my body gives up haha xxx
Hope things get moving hun it's so frustrating when things start and stop :( xx

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