Blood Results


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
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Just called hospital they said my bloods have dropped from 1416 to 814 so things are definately coming to end. They have decided not to have me in but to do another pregnancy test in two weeks. They said if it's neg all will be good and it will mean by body has dealt with it but if it's possitive then I will have to come in for another scan to see what's left and they will decide from there.

It's been a long emotional roller coaster but I finally am getting answers. Not pleased that I have to wait another two weeks but really hoping my body won't drag it out for much longer. I feel so drained. Had a hard cry last night and I think now I can start to mourn, still can't move on until it's completely over though. Just hope it's all done by Dec 1st so I can put decs up and start enjoying xmas.

Thank you so much for all your support girls, it has helped me so much xx
I am so sorry honey. Know how you are feeling. I am here if you ever need to talk.

Big :hugs: xxxxxxxxxx
I'm so sorry hun, but also glad you body finally seems to be doing something right for you fingers rossed it carries on, I rememeber hating taking that pregnancy test 2 weeks later because its strange to be hoping for only 1 line when normally we pray for 2. I really hope you can get to enjoy your xmas you deserve it and really hope to see you back on here.
Thank you girls for all your kind words :)

mumofmany...I know what you mean, I'm hoping for it so I won't have to have any intervention but will be a little sad to see it. Be a while before I try again, bf won't be ready for another couple years...'sigh'
So sorry for you hun, you've been so strong through all of this, I pray things get better for you soon xx
Soo sorry Hun , big hugs for you X hang in there
sorry this happened hun! but glad you got your answers!
thinking of you at what is such a difficult time adn sending you all my love and hugs. xx

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