

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2012
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Well it's gone from brown to nothing to pink cm... to nothing to a whole pile of reddy brown blood/cm when i wiped..

Called EPU and they said Monday.. called my GP who called them and initially coz i'm only 5 weeks they weren't going to see me at all.. as can't see on scan... so doc lied said i was 5+3... and i have an appointment tomorrow at 8.45am...

Have a real sinking feeling that history is repeating itself... this will make 3 if it is....
So sorry you're bleeding I really hope your scan goes ok. I have just had my second miscarriage this week just bleeding at the moment why is life so cruel :-(. Hopefully the fact there's brown is a good sign as that's usually old blood isn't it. Will be thinking of you xx
Thank you hun... i'm sorry to hear about yours xx :hug:

I'm hoping its all ok... but as it's happened twice before i'm not holding my breath... i had brown last time too :(
Oh so sorry your bleeding hopefully its nothing and you can get this confirmed with your scan.

Good luck FX it stays sticky <3 xxx
Have a feeling they won't be able to see anything on the scan... think it'll be bloods and a waiting game xx
I have everything crossed to you! It's the waiting that the worst! Hope it goes okay xxx
I'm not the most patient person at the best of times... this is hell... I've been spotting since day after got my bfp a wk ago... had put it down to breakthrough bleed but a wk on its got worse n tummy pains r different...

I know there's nothing I can do.... trying to remain positive but preparing myself for the worst
It is crap isn't it - I really feel for you! I will keep my fingers crossed for you xxx
Thanks Steph xx it's eased off and is back to brown... so i'm keeping everything crossed... poor DH feels so helpless again... but he's a star and is off to get comfort food... craving shish kebab so he's off to get me that and some onion rings lol x
Keeping everything crossed for you huni, really hope everything works out for you

Michelle x
Thank you hun... i'm sorry to hear about yours xx :hug:

I'm hoping its all ok... but as it's happened twice before i'm not holding my breath... i had brown last time too :(

Oh im so sorry. I really hope everything goes ok. I will be thinking of you, let us know how you get on please. Really hope everything goes ok :hug:

Thank you hun xx i will when i get home tomorrow... heading to bed soon coz i'm gonna have to get up early for the EPU tomorrow xx
Have everything crossed for u seon but as u say it will probe be bloods and waiting game , will u tell them ur actualy 5 weeks wen u go tomoro cos the 3 days might make a dif in there decision about things specialy if u have to go on to have other scans which might be the case they may have u bk next week , il be thinking of u tomoro xxx
Really sorry honey! Fingers crossed for you!
Have everything crossed for u seon but as u say it will probe be bloods and waiting game , will u tell them ur actualy 5 weeks wen u go tomoro cos the 3 days might make a dif in there decision about things specialy if u have to go on to have other scans which might be the case they may have u bk next week , il be thinking of u tomoro xxx

Thanks hun... Gonna tell them i'm not sure... coz i'm not... my cycles have been different lengths so i'm not sure exactly how far i am....

If they take bloods i'll have to go back for second lot as well... unless they're that low they tell me not to...
Its a horrible waiting game isn't it, so sorry you're going through it. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Don't be alarmed if they can't see on the scan it might be too early but they'll see from bloods. Xxxxxx
Thanks hun I'm expecting bloods don't expect them to see anything on scan... but going anyway xx
I'm still holding out hope for u lovely we always have hope :) , yes just say 5-5+3 there should be a sac not sure what else could be start of a fetal pole too realy hope all turns out ok for u it's just not fair xxx
Thank you Jojo x ... i'm trying to remain positive... there's been no bright red blood.... it's all browny and i've not had any cramps... guess i'll just have to wait and see.... hope and pray x
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you hon, hopefully it isn't bad news just some breakthrough bleeding

I was told on Tuesday to treat my bleeding as implantation but I knew mine was bad news from the start as my stomach started aching from the start!! Yours sounds different so it's probably nothing to worry about x

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