

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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:( had a bad bleed this morning - bright red watery blood, lot of back pain with it too. rushed to my doctors who did an internal and said my cervix wasnt tender and was tightly closed [which is apparently good]....Got a scan on tuesday....

Feeling really sad and depressed.....still light bleeding now...I just know its all over...

Anyone else had bleeding but been ok ?
I had a bleed with this baby, and also bled throughout the first trimester with my now 9 month old son. There is always always hope babe xxx
chin up hunny I am sure if your doctor thought there was a serious issue he would have rushed you in way before tuesday.

I will be thinking of you xx :hug:
Like Sami said, it might not necessarily be a bad thing- try and chill (easier said than done) and rest over the weekend :hug: :hug:
Yeah, just relax this weekend, do NOTHING. Lie down in your bed the whole time if you like. :hug:
yeah try and take it real easy at the weekend, dont do anything and sit with your feet up as much as you can, good luck for tuesday :hug:
As said in a previous post, if they were worried they would be keeping you in, not asking you to come back on Tuesday, apparently 1 in 5 women bleed during their pg, usually in the early stages of the first tri.

Relax, don't lift a finger around the house - make your OH do everything, and try to stay positive :hug:
take it easy hun hopefully all will be fine xxxx
take it easy hun, and i hope it all turns out ok
good luck with your scan on tuesday!!!

My work pal had about 4 heavy bleeds and is now 25 weeks and blooming, she had a really worrying time but all is well.
There is hope hunny, be positive, stay strong and take it easy, she had lots of rest so make sure you look after yourself
Keep us posted :hug: xx
Sorry to hear this but as others have said, some people do have bleeding and the baby be fine, I hope this is the case for you! :hug:

Like the others have said some bleed when they are pregnant so try not to stress. :hug: good luck
how you doing today myst? has the bleeding stopped now?
:( just went to the bathroom and im bleeding again - not lots but enough to worry me even more...looks red not brown..not in any pain [yet].....

Scan at 10 tomorrow morning and pretty much 100% sure its gonna be bad news now :(
ah sorry your still bleeding myst, rest up tonight and let us know how it goes in the morning, have got everything crossed for you :hug:
Aww hun sorry your still bleeding, keeping everything crossed for you hope scan went ok, and you'll be on with good news soon! :hug:
good luck for tomorrow ...hope everything turns out ok

Take care

After the other spotting i had yesterday and big bleed on friday i had convinced myself it was over..anyway to my utter disbelief the sonographer explained that baby was infact ok, saw a heartbeat but i have lost a twin...thats the bleeding im getting.
She also said that at the moment it could go either way...if i bleed heavily she said it could take the whole lot out :( ...I go back in 3 weeks for another scan to check its progress...the next 3 weeks are gonna be hell waiting !!!

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