Bleeding at 7weeks-HELP!


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2013
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I'm 7+3 preg. On Wed(7wks)had some discharge with streaks of blood in it. went to EPC+internal scan found hbeat. Bleeding did slow but I stupidly/unwittingly went for a walk on Thurs+same bloody discharge after. Rang EPC but as I had no pain Doc told me to stay put+rest.On Fri I had clumps,in loo after I had a pee,rang EPC+Nurse told me to come in ASAP+to make sure to have someone with me. I was devastated as I was convinced it was lost but hbeat was found! Today,I still hv light period like bleeding and there's somewhat of a 'flow' when I stand up or move about. Nurse told me to take it easy(not to lift heavy things etc) but she didnt recommend bed rest 'cos it could bring about different problems'. I have a 6mth old son,born naturally(forceps) but had to have placenta removed manually in theatre. During US on Wed Nurse found a cyst on one of my ovaries+one on the other-as if my last period hadn't cleared it up(can't remember name of it). I'm frantic with worry-any advice?xx
Didn't want to read and run. I bled earlier with my MCs and there wasn't a good result, but I have read elsewhere on the site of loads of ladies getting bleeding and having healthy babies. Plus if they can still see the heartbeat you have a very good chance of it all being ok. Have my fx for you!
Not much advice but I have bled and baby is absolutely fine. It's good you have no pain or clots just keep an eye on it x
Thank you ladies. I have some clumps in my pee just now. I think I should just lie up..?xx
Plenty of rest and fluids, and any pain contact them again x
i would just rest as much as you can i know thats hard with a baby midwife told me when i was bleeding lie down with feet elevated a little ...try not to worry an take comfort in your scan really hope all is ok xx
Hi Ladies,
Thank you all so much for your kind words. We lost our little one on Saturday night. Devastated.xx oes have one have any advice re:trying again? How soon?x
Hi Ladies,
Thank you all so much for your kind words. We lost our little one on Saturday night. Devastated.xx oes have one have any advice re:trying again? How soon?x
so sorry for your loss xx
So sorry to hear that. Big hugs x
So sorry to hear it ended badly for you and hope you're okay. I don't have any advice i'm afraid (although i've heard trying again straight away is usually fine?) but you may also want to post in the miscarriage and loss forum on this site as I'm sure that's really good for support. Sending you a hug x
So sorry to hear that. I think you can try again whenever you feel ready. Just go with what feels right. After my first I wanted to try again straight away. After my second I definitely needed time before I tried again as I was going a bit psycho with the stress of it all. Take care. X
By the way, there's absolutely nothing you could have done differently to stop the mc. I saw a heartbeat with my first MC at 6+3 but that doesn't always mean that it's viable unfortunately. So don't blame yourself. X

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