Bleeding at 13 weeks


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2007
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Hi there, I'm new to the second trimester and I had severe abdominal cramping that started on Wednesday evening. This cramping was continuous and the pain got worse whenever I moved. I didn't have any bleeding until early hours this morning at about 12.30am. There was quite a lot of bleeding (like the amount you would get on a trip to the toilet in the middle of your period) and I still had the cramping pains. Straight away I rushed to A&E in a blubbering mess where they examined me, and sent me home at 5am saying I seemed fine other than the pains and bleeding. They told me to phone the Early Pregnancy Unit to go for a scan and when I phoned this morning, they said they cannot fit me in until tomorrow morning. I'm worried sick :( I'm so scared that I have lost my baby.
Since the bleeding occurred early this morning, there is still some there but it has slowed down and is not as much (about the amount you would get at the beginning or end of your period).

Has anyone else experienced anything like this at 13 weeks??? Or does anyone know what it could be??? This is my first pregnancy and I'm worried sick about my baby :(
i dont know what to say honey - dats never happened to me. the unit should of fit you in - thats terrible!
you must be going out of your mind. you need to stay strong for you and your baby. im really sorry.
please post back wen you find anything out hun
take care of yourself
Have you had your 12 week scan yet? There is a chance that had you concieved twins that the 2nd sac might not have survived and that's what's caused the cramping/bleeding and you do still have your baby there. Sometimes even if the 2nd sac was empty a 12 week scan doesn't detect it's there (hidden twin syndrome) but it would become apparent at the 20 week scan. I think if A&E have told you your doing ok you should try not to worry, bleeding in early pregnancy is quite common for a number of reasons. Also I'd not stand for the scan tomorrow I'd be on the phone to them saying you have had mass bleeding (embellish the pains, story etc) and you insist on being seen today....or just show up there and wait making a fuss every 30 minutes, tell them they try dealing with the stress/worry of m/c etc and see how fast they would want the scan. Honestly I'd not sit around stressing till tomorrow hun, stress won't do you or the baby any good what so ever. :hug:
You poor love, i've had a heck of alot of bleeding with this pregnancy and each time got told it was "unexplainable" i hope your LO holds on for you i agree with Nicola, get down the EPU and just wait, at least they willtry a bit harder if your sat there than if your at home

Good luck sweetheart :pray:
Hope it is good news at the scan today

thinking of you :hug:
Oh hun :hug: Hope everythings OK, let us know how it goes, thinking of you xxx
Hope everything is fine! And that you can fit a scan in ASAP, keep us posted hun xxxx
I hope things go well with you and your pregnancy.

The only advice i have to offer is please rest and relax when your experiencing these cramps and pain.
hope everythings ok and u toook advice and went done hosp :)
Hi all, thanks for your support. I went for my scan on Saturday and it showed that all was ok. I saw my baby and s/he seemed happy in there kicking away. The nurse said it was a right little fidget. It wouldn't keep still. The heartbeat was fine and i could see the ams and legs. There was no explanation for why I've had the bleeding but I have been told to take another week off from work and rest as much as I can. The only thing they could suggest was that I might have had a surge of hormones or the umbilical cord could be lying low down but the scan showed no signs of anything that I should worry about.

My next scan is at 20 weeks so it's not that far away and I'm going on holiday in 4 weeks so I'll have more time to relax then.

Once again, thanks for all your support and advice and I'm just so releived and happy that my little one is OK :D :D :D :D :D

Will keep you updated how my second trimester goes.

A big hug to you all :hug: :hug: :hug: x x
Thats fantastic news congratulations babe, now get ya feet up and relax as much as possible :hug:
Congratulations I'm so glad everything is ok. Put your feet up with a cuppa!!
God Michelle I've been waiting for your post these last few days. So relieved and delighted. It's really good news. I hope you can sleep well now.
Take care,
Thanks for all your support guys, it means a lot. Have taken this week off work so far but I can't keep still. I suppose I better rest over the next few days though cos I'll soon be back at work. Hope all is well with the rest of you. :hug: x x

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