bleeding and cramps :(

Excellent news, just keep us posted. FX the bleeding stops soon.
Ido plan on trying to take it easy now. lol. however, I have offered to work all day Thursday, Friday and Saturday and they are 10 hour shifts on my own. No more trying to move that safe though!!! If I can't open it, it's tough. I'm still getting the bleeding and pains and I know it's me moving that safe that has done it. Trouble is, I work on my own so no one to help me :( Will just have leave it and close up haha. x
No they didn't. I told my manager after my 12 week scan that I was pregnant and I know that it is standard procedure to do a risk assessment as soon as they are made aware of the pregnancy. I don't know why they haven't done one because they are generally a respectable company but I hardly ever see any management. I'm pretty much left on my own to do the job. Only 2 other people work there part time and I feel like I pretty much run the place (whihc I probably do). I should really get the risk assessment done though surely. xx
So glad everything is okay, just make sure you do take it easy. If your boss isnt happy with the amount of work you do/dont do tuff xxxxx
I've looked on a few websites and it says ur employer should do a risk assessment as soon as they are informed in writing of your pregnancy. Send them an email first thing on Thursday xx
glad everything is ok with baby... but def get a risk assessment done xxx
Seems a bit silly I have to put it in writing but if that is what I have to do then I'll write an email on Thursday. Thanks Larlybelle xx
well yeah cos you can pretty much refuse to do anything you think is unsafe and may harm the baby til they have done the risk assessment.
plus if something in work causes you to mc then you can sue them if they havent risk assessed your role.
Hi hunni only just catching up, glad alls ok with bubs,

On the risk assessment thing ive had mine done and basically not allowed to do anything!! But biggest thing that made me reply to your post is my risk assessment says in not allowed to lone work, not sure what your job is but i only work as a sales assistant in a clothes shop.

Id bug them for your assessment too and agree put your foot down with anything your not happy with, they cant sack you xxxxx
Glad baby is well and nothing to worry about with the bleeding and cramps. Def keep an eye on it and take it easy :-)
Hi hun, i am from tri 1, as soon as you tell your employer about your pregnancy they have to do a risk assesment, its the law. You shouldnt be lifting / moving anything. I have members of staff and i have to do risk assesments with them, it protects you and protects your employer should anything happen (fx you will be ok). They are liable for your wellbeing while your at work, they are in serious breach of this. Hope you get one soon and hope your bleeding stops xxxx
So glad your ok! Pressure work into adapting your conditions so that they are more suitable for you! Don't take no for an answer! Good Luck!
Hey hun, as soon as my work did a risk assessment on me, it said lone working should be kept to an absolute minimum and I am not to do anything that may harm me or baby. I had a bleed when I was 20 weeks pregnant and stomach pains (it only lasted a few hours though) but they couldnt find what caused but I've had scans, internal exams etc and everythings fine, I'm sure it will be for you too. But your employers need to get their act together. I wouldnt even be working shifts that long let alone by yourself and they should realise this!!xx

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