Bleeding again...... :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2007
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As some of you ladies know, I had to go in hospital last Sunday after having cramps since moving the safe at work last Friday and then starting bleeding on sunday. They wanted o keep me in at the hospital but I had to discharge myself as it was awkward.

Well, the bleeding seemed to be dying off but just been to the toilet and I've got bright red blood again (it hadn't stopped all week but had started to turn brown) :(

I had a scan on Monday and baby seemed fine. Do you think I should just ignore the bleeding and see how I go or call the hospital again? I don't want them to think I'm being a paranoid pain in the arse and I know some women bleed throughout pregnancy so I don't want to come across as just being paranoid and silly for keep hasling them.

Any opinions welcome.

PS, has anyone else experienced bleeding throughout their pregnancy? I have had it on and off so far in this pregnancy and overall would say I have been bleeding (mainly brown blood which I know is ok) for about 80% of the pregnancy.

Sorry for the long post. Just fed up of not being able to relax about it all.

Aww hun i think for your own peace of mind you should call the hospital. I'd say its more than likely everything is fine if all was ok at the scan but better to be safe than sorry and keep your mind at peace at least x x
^^^^ WSS

Def agree you should call them, a friend of mine had something similar hunni and i said to her id rather she went to hosptial 100 times and all be ok then god forbid didnt bother and something was wrong,

Not saying anythings wrong with your bubs, just imo id def ring/go

Hope your ok :hugs: xxx
yeah, dont worry about being an inconvenience to them...that is what they are there for xx
Yeah I'd call Hun. I had bleeding from 13 weeks to 16 weeks a couple of bright red bleeds and lots of brown spotting. My babies were fine on scans but they found a bruise on the sac that is either absorbed or bleeds out and it usually corrects itself after a few weeks. One sonographer saw the bruise the other didn't so they aren't that easy to see! She said sometimes bleeding happens n there's no explanation for it too. I'm sure all is fine but I'd go to check! I also got a kidney infection n bleeding can be side effect x
I would definitely go to the hospital - never ever worry about 'hassling' them - that is what they are there for. Take care.
Go to the hospital hun, even just to give urself peace of mind. Who cares if u have to go 100 times? Its NHS, its a public service which ur entitled to use so use it :-)
I agree with the ladies hun, go to the hospital, just for peace of mind! Its their job to be there for you & put your mind at ease. Hugs x x x
I agree with the others hun, go to the hospital if only to put your mind at rest. Xx
Call the maternity suite and get in and get checked as bleeding at 20 weeks isnt the norm hun.
Ring/go to hospital. I would if it was me xx Let us know how you get on, hope your ok x
And moving safes? are you mad or work putting pressure on you? no more heavy lifting and extering yourself.

Hope you and baby are okay!
Thanks for your replies ladies. Called them and might be going in again but will see how bleeding goes and if no change in the morning, will go in. xx

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