bleeding again


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2008
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some of you may remember me worrying half to death in tri one cos i had a few spots of blood.

well this morning i woke up to an amount of blood similar to a period. went straight to hospital, womb is still closed, and heartbeat is still there, basically everythings ok 'for the moment' but doc wasnt too reassuring, but it was the best she could offer. bleeding seems to have slowed down now. just thought after the 12 week scan i could relax a bit :cry: :cry: im terrified of starting to get pains :cry:

have to say all the staff at the hospital were amazing! i know ppl complain about hospitals but i couldnt have wished for better treatment
oh no i hope everything is alright :hug:

how far gone are you? did they check for a low lying placenta?

keep positive :hug: and rest up
thanks, i hope so too. im 13+6days

i dont know if they checked for low lying placenta, they proded and poked and asked tons of questions. all kinda seems a bit of a blur now. docs reaction was kinda hard to judge, she said everythings ok for the moment, but that i was still bleeding, it was the way she kept saying 'at the moment' that got to me

does it sound silly that im scared to go to sleep in case things start to go wrong over night :cry:

i think im really worried because i've had to fight so hard against everyones opinions to keep this baby (going to be a single mummy) that im really protective of it
it's only natural to be protective of baby.

i know how hard it is to try not to worry when your bleeding. i had a big big bleed at about 7 weeks pregnant with my 2nd. it turned out i had lost his twin, but it's a good sign that baby is still fighting away in there.

Hi claire_louise :)

I don't often come in here nowadays as I don't get a lot of time anymore, but I spotted your topic title and thought I would take a peek.

I too bled during pregnancy and ALWAYS thought the worst. I had nights where I sat on the bed rocking saying "this can't be happening" because I was absolutely sure that I was losing my baby. It is the worst feeling in the world so I understand how you feel too scared to go to sleep.

All I will say is that I bled on and off right through to about 21 weeks. Sometimes it was brown blood, sometimes pink and once bright red and that shocked me to the core. That's when I was sure that was it all over. Of course, it wasn't. It was "just one of those things". Some women bleed in pregnancy and there is no reason for it, no explanation. Try and rest as much as you can and try not to worry.. I know you will, I did too but just want you to know that just because you are experiencing some bleeding, it does NOT have to mean anything bad.

I had 4 separate bleeds and I have a very healthy, gorgeous 6 month old son now :)

If you need anything, let me know. I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have because I know it is a worrying time.

I also blogged about it at the time too so these might put your mind at rest:
aww sweetie, I know how worrying this can be. It happened to me twice... I was told that the cause was my low-lying placenta. In most cases bleeding during pregnancy goes unexplained. Just make sure you take lots and lots of rest. :hug: :hug: :hug:
I cant give you any further advice Im afraid, but wanted to give you some of these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww hun I know exactly how you are feeling! I have lost count of the amount of bleeds I have had up to now, I think it's about 5 or 6 my last one was last week. I was especially worried after suffering a missed MC in Jan. I never had bleeding at all with my first an it really is worrying! But the further on I have got the more relaxed I am becoming especially now that I can feel LO moving everyday. If they have heard the HB then that is re-assuring, try and take comfort in the fact that you are passed the danger stage and that once they have seen/heard the HB then the risk of miscarriage is dramatically reduced anyway - you'll be fine xx

With regard to how the doctor worded the 'for now' I can totally relate to that! earlier on I didn't know how to take anything anyone said to me and that was from friends, colleagues or medical professionals - I think you've just got to look at the positive of what they say and don't take everything so literally and try not to be paranoid - harder said than done and pregnancy hormones don't exactly do you any favours! At my 12 weeks scan they discovered an area of 'seperation' that was causing my bleeding, I don't know what the reason is for it now but have my 20 weeks scan this week on Thursday and a consultants appointment the week after so hopefully I can find out what it is! What I would say to you is if you are at all worried always call your MW for re-assurance - mine was great and said I could go in every week to listen in on baby's HB if I felt I needed to. I'm sure you'll be fine though :hug: xxxx
hey there..... I didnt want to read and run..... have some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I really hope everything is ok for you.... my SIL (to be at some point or other :roll: ) is a few weeks ahead of me and she didnt realise she was pregnant until about 17 weeks as she had bled each month... I think its just one of these things that happens to some unfortunately......

I really hope everything is ok for you.. keep us updated.. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi hun Im sorry to hear that you are bleeding but I have had excatly the same thing, I bled at 11, 12, 14, 16 and 17 weeks! I havnt bled now in a couple of weeks but they found some seperation which was causing the bleeding but didnt see this until 14 weeks on a scan. It seems to have healed now finally but i have been so worried to go to sleep incase anything happened. The doctor told me I could miscarry which made me so scared but looks like a few ppl have been through the same thing. I hope everything is okay just dont stress
thank you everyone for all the advice, support and :hug: 's

bleeding slowly stopped friday night (so i feel a little silly for panicking) but i think i 'know' why it happened.... (you'll think this is silly im sure) on thursday i had a massive bust up with baby's dad, basically he never wants to see his child, will pay money but only after he's paid for a dna test, (which i told him was fine because it is his) and i think what happened friday was my babys way of reminding me that its the important one not him.

that prob sounds a little far fetched but i've managed to block out any upsetting thoughts about him by thinking who's most important

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