Bleeding - advice please


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2005
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Am looking for some honest advice.... didnt really know where to post this really worried, i have just had a call from my sister who is currently working in the city and is on her own, she is 4 months pregnant and has started bleeding, her midwife has told her to go to A&E which she is currently WALKING to.
She is beside herself & I just want to be with her. :cry:

It is only spotting at the mo and is fresh red blood.... is it the start of a possible miscarriage? could it be anyting else?

If anyone can give me any advice id really appreciate it, we are all fearing the worst. She had her scan last week and everything was well....

Im so scared, god knows what she is feeling

Awww hun :hug:

the only advice i can give you is that when i M/C it wasn't fresh looking blood was more brown

4 months is quite far along for a M/C i would think

erm not sure what else to say except am thinking of here.

Maybe you should post this in Off Topic as more people will see it
:hug: :hug:
Oh Duds, I'm so sorry for your sister - it must be a huge worry.
I think there are a few people on here who have had bleeds in their second trimester and everything has been fine.
My doctor told me that some women have heavy bleeds throughout their pregnancy and go on to have healthy babies.
Hopefully it will be something entirely innocent but she's definitely doing the right thing in getting it checked out.
Let us know how she gets on.
ok thanks hun will do, really appreciate your advice xxx
hiya duds i hope all is ok :hug:

i had 5 lots of bleeding through my pregnancy my last one was at 16 weeks :(

it could be caused by alot of things hun so try not to panic
Hi hun,

I hope your sis is ok. Thinking of you :hug:
Red blood is usually a cause for concern, but people who lose red blood have healthy pregnancies...any news yet? hope she got to A&E ok.
Thank you for all your kind replies.. hardly slept a wink last night...

Well they are sending her for a scan today so we will know more info but A&E checked her out last night and they baby seemed ok, they think its something to do with the cervix but said it is closed which is good. Will let you know when I hear.

The things us girls have to go through ay, the worrying never ends!

could it be cervical erosion? I dont know if you can get it after first trimester, but that would cause bleeding. Had she had sex the night before, cause that normally starts it.
i hope things are ok will keep my fingers crosses, if it's any concelation, i had bleeding from 4-8 weeks the again at 11 1/2 at 111/2 weeks it was really bad , my bathroom looked like someone had been murdered, when i went to the hospital with what i passed they thought i'd miscarried but when they scanned me Abi was still there :).

Apparently abrasions on the cervix can cause bleeding and are quite common.
Let us know how it goes today x
Thank you so much for your concern guys, makes me so glad I found this forum.
Everything seems to be ok :D the scan showed that the baby is fine & everthing seemed to be ok... they are not sure why the bleeding yet until tests come back but they think it might be some kind of infection.

Sorry I have only just got on here to tell you, Iv been having a bad few days with munchkin & just havent been able to get on here.


glad she and baby are okay hun, and dont worry we all have our own munchkins weknow how it is :hug:
Really pleased that all seems ok with your sister, must have been really worrying for you both :( :hug:
it does sound like it was cervical erosion, bleeding caused by hormonal changes in the cervix, can be brought on by sex or sometimes just occurs on its own! or an infection as u said, i had it when i was 19 weeks pg, as her cervix is closed and the scan is fine its all good signs :)
i'm sure her and bubba will be absolutely fine hun! :hug:

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