Bit disturbing - dont read if sensitive!

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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Sorry to post this and maybe the moderators will take it away as it might upset someone but I wanted to say it because its going round and round in my head and I wondered if anyone else had been through similar

I found out the heart had stopped beating (i was 9 - 10 weeks) and the hospital booked me in to have and 'evac'. But the night before (last night) I started having pain that was a bit like labour (massive pain and the urge to push). I went to the loo and a soon as I got my knickers down there was a plop and my fetal sack landed at my feet. It was totally intact with tiny baby inside.

I cant even write this without feeling sick and crying. My husband was pretty shaken by it too and clearly doesnt want to discuss it. Maybe this isnt the place, but i couldnt talk on the phone to councellors or anything as i get too choked up.

Anyway, I just wanted to get it out there and off my chest as it were. Maybe I should just type this and then delete it, I dont know...............
Oh I'm so sorry that must have been so traumatic. I don't know what to say really but just wanted to offer support and hugs. xx
You poor thing that must have been horrific :( sometimes writing things down helps, if it's helped you then encourage your husband to do the same.

Hugs xxx
Starfish I'm so sorry I don't know what to say or how you must be feeling. If you need to share to deal with it I don't think anyone will criticise you! Massive :hug:
Oh god hun i'm so sorry! Sending you so much love right now.

oh starfish so sorry hun i cant imagine how this must of been for you sometimes it help to talk and if by talking on here helps talk away xxx :hugs: xxx
Thanks all. I really wasnt sure it was a good idea to share it, but I just cant seem to get it out of my mind. I guess I will in time. I just hate being screwed up about anything, I'm usually good at finding the positives but this was just a bit beyond what i am used to coping with :-(
What a heartbreaking thing to go through, sometimes it helps to get everything out in the open, clear the air to help you start fresh. You can talk to us about anything, getting you through this is the main thing x x x
Oh my god how awful, I'm so sorry Hun!! :hugs::hugs:

I have some kind of positives....

1.You will recover quicker with a natural M/C.

2. If it was me I think I would like to bury the baby and plant a little tree as a memory, I haven't been in your situation so I don't know if this would be to upsetting or not.

Take care and you know they say you are more fertile after a M/C so I wish you loads of luck for your next cycle.

Aw hun i am so sorry :( you will start to feel better eventually. Good luck for the future x
oh startfish i am soooo sorry for your loss, it was hard enough for me after my ERPC with just the few clots i had i can't imagine what that must have been like for you.

massive hugs!!!!
That is hugely traumatic. I wouldn't worry about it being sensitive as you have pre-warned and it's best for u to get it off your chest.

Like someone said, as upsetting and traumatic as that was, the natural way was the best way IMO.

I'm so sorry this happened the way it did and I hope your OH will come around to discussing things with you soon xxx
Must be so hard for you and OH, much love and light hun.

Star fish I can't imagine how awful that must have been :( I'm so so sorry for your loss. Lots of love and hugs to you and your OH xx
Im so sorry hun - I cant imagine what that would have been like to experience....its good that you feel that you need to talk about it, and you never need to worry about upsetting people on here.
Im so sorry again - my thoughts are with you and your dear hubby xxxxxx
It sounds like a horrific experience, you did the right thing getting your feelings out in the open.
Look after yourself xx
Oh hun, I know exactly what you're going through. I miscarried last night, contractions (I was 11 weeks + 3 days), then nothing, then a massive gush downstairs, went to the loo and the minute i took my trousers down something fell on the floor, i couldn't look, was distraught. My husband hid it away as i was so scared of seeing it. Big hugs hun, you're not alone xxx

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