Starfish, I'm so very sad to hear what you've been going through, but thank you so much for sharing your experience. I think we all feel so alone and scared at a time like this, and it's reassuring to hear from others and to know we're not going crazy.
When our scan showed no heartbeat 9 days ago, we were given the option of surgical evac, or medical management, or just waiting to see what happened naturally. It was breaking my heart knowing that I was carrying our angel, so I couldn't bear to just wait for weeks and weeks to miscarry naturally. But on the other hand, we'd had so much medical intervention with the IVF that i couldn't face surgery. So we opted for medical management. I had a tablet on Monday, and was due to go into hospital on wednesday for a pessary to induce the miscarriage at hospital, but it all happened at home on Tuesday night. I'm actually glad that it happened at home so I could quietly be with my husband afterwards.
From the day of the scan, I was terrified about passing the baby. Couldn't stop thinking about it, because I knew it was coming. In a way, it helped to prepare me, but there was just so much more tissue than I expected there to be with the placenta and everything. The doctors/nurses really should help prepare us in advance for this horrible experience.
Stay strong. Sending you big hugs Xx