Bit disturbing - dont read if sensitive!

So sorry to hear that. My first mc was the same and I was totally unprepared for it. Like you, I had labour type pains then passed the baby. I was 10 weeks but the wee baby was perfectly formed. It was the worst experience of my life. Keep your chin up, time is a great healer. xxx
Star Fish, so sorry to hear this, hope you start to feel ok soon, and best of luck for the future!
Oh Starfish I really do feel for you hunny.

I went through this 3 and a half years ago at apprx 12-16 weeks - I did not know I was pregnant so it was a huge shock.

You must's part of the healing process, I found giving the baby a name helped me and think of him often smiling down at me.

Big hugs to you xx
Starfish, I'm so very sad to hear what you've been going through, but thank you so much for sharing your experience. I think we all feel so alone and scared at a time like this, and it's reassuring to hear from others and to know we're not going crazy.

When our scan showed no heartbeat 9 days ago, we were given the option of surgical evac, or medical management, or just waiting to see what happened naturally. It was breaking my heart knowing that I was carrying our angel, so I couldn't bear to just wait for weeks and weeks to miscarry naturally. But on the other hand, we'd had so much medical intervention with the IVF that i couldn't face surgery. So we opted for medical management. I had a tablet on Monday, and was due to go into hospital on wednesday for a pessary to induce the miscarriage at hospital, but it all happened at home on Tuesday night. I'm actually glad that it happened at home so I could quietly be with my husband afterwards.

From the day of the scan, I was terrified about passing the baby. Couldn't stop thinking about it, because I knew it was coming. In a way, it helped to prepare me, but there was just so much more tissue than I expected there to be with the placenta and everything. The doctors/nurses really should help prepare us in advance for this horrible experience.

Stay strong. Sending you big hugs Xx
Oh Starfish I am so so sorry :hugs:I can't imagine how you must have felt. I think planting the tree is a really lovely idea. Your OH will come round - my OH really struggled with things after my MC - didn't cry and could barely talk about things - sometimes men just have a different way of dealing with things but doesn't mean he doesn't care. Take care honey and remember we are all here for you x x x x
Im really sorry that you had to go through this it's a terrible thing to go through. I had went through something similar about 6 yrs ago (except i didnt know i was pregnant i just went to the toilet as i thought my period had started & there it was in my knickers) it will get easier i promise. the tree is a lovely idea sending you big hugs xxx
Starfish, I'm so very sad to hear what you've been going through, but thank you so much for sharing your experience. I think we all feel so alone and scared at a time like this, and it's reassuring to hear from others and to know we're not going crazy.

When our scan showed no heartbeat 9 days ago, we were given the option of surgical evac, or medical management, or just waiting to see what happened naturally. It was breaking my heart knowing that I was carrying our angel, so I couldn't bear to just wait for weeks and weeks to miscarry naturally. But on the other hand, we'd had so much medical intervention with the IVF that i couldn't face surgery. So we opted for medical management. I had a tablet on Monday, and was due to go into hospital on wednesday for a pessary to induce the miscarriage at hospital, but it all happened at home on Tuesday night. I'm actually glad that it happened at home so I could quietly be with my husband afterwards.

From the day of the scan, I was terrified about passing the baby. Couldn't stop thinking about it, because I knew it was coming. In a way, it helped to prepare me, but there was just so much more tissue than I expected there to be with the placenta and everything. The doctors/nurses really should help prepare us in advance for this horrible experience.

Stay strong. Sending you big hugs Xx

Hi Bead, I was so sad to hear the same had happened to you, I know how much harder you had to work for it with IVF. It is a load of lumps isnt it, and i agree the surgery is the last thing you want. I'm glad you guys are there for each other - massive hugs :hug: star xxxxxx
I'm so sorry for your loss and how it happened :( hugs x
I wish I hadn't read this star fish, but at the same time I'm glad I did.

I would have absolutely no idea what to expect should anything go wrong - I had thought it might be like how you've described, but perhaps naively or just simply being terrified at the thought, I let myself believe "this won't happen to me".

I'm so sorry and desperately sad to hear what you've gone through. I think planting a tree is a beautiful idea and I sincerely hope that it brings you some comfort. As women, and especially as Mothers (I know I felt like a Mummy - a Mummy Lioness as I keep saying - protective and cautious from day 1) we shouldn't have to experience these things. Sometimes life is very cruel.

Jen x
I really feel for everyone who has experienced this, as I too experienced this when I was around 8 weeks pregnant. I had major period pains and felt the need to go to the loo and I coughed and I just felt a plop. I just stood and stared, couldn't believe what I had just saw and obviously didn't know that I was going to miscarry. I only had the period pains for about an hour and then that was it. Afterwards the bleeding was awful, just would not stop and I remember going for a bath (whith my baby still wrapped up in loo roll) and the bath just turned red instantly, so my then partner took me to the hops, got checked over and they dealt with my bundle.

I will never forget that day 9/03/08. I went and got a necklace and got the date engraved with "baby bean". So inalways have him/her near me :)

I really am truly sorry honey. No woman should have to see/deal with that.

Love and hugs to u and your OH xxx
Hey just wanted to say that i am so sorry for what you have had to go through....It cant have been in the slightest bit easy. I also think that planting a tree is such a good idea.. Hope your ok. Amy xx
so sorry to read all these posts and my heart goes out to all you ladies who have had to go through are all very strong.

so heartbreaking for you to go through thats what this section is for being able to share your grief no matter how traumatic we all understand xxx

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