birth plan


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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How did you go about writting your birth plan? Did you're midwife mention it to you or was at at antenatel or did you have to mention it to them?? and also when did you start doing it?

I want to write one, i want it to be clear what i want like a lack of interfearence and skin to skin with baby immediately, but i get the feeling at my appointments they expect me to go in to labour, not have a clue, lie on my back, scream, have an epi then let them do whatever they want to me and Tally afterwards, this in reality is far from my plan lol.
With each of mine I've done my birth plan at antenatal appts at about 36 weeks. Don't see any harm in you writing your own now though, then talking it through with your midwife to be added to your notes!!

Better to be prepared!! :D
Ooh i'm glad you posted that, as i have been thinking the same thing.

I too get the impression that i'm supposed to "put up and shut up" :shock:

I'm seeing my MW on monday, so i'm going to ask then.
Mid wifes never mentioned writing one up with her i feel she's quite relaxed with the whole thing ive have had my hosptial tour anti- natal classes so no need for a brith plan done with her imput

im ok with this would have been nice to chat with her about it but ive sussed out what i want myself

first thing on list
BIRTHING POOL is MINE:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Gas and air give it to me :dance: :dance:
bring my other love of my life my tens machine :hug: :hug:
take bouncing ball
dont want epuduaral of petadine unless necessary
fave music playing in room
say id prefer the vitamin k tablets instead of the injection (something i did hoped to talk to the mid wife about)

oh and to be disharged as quickly as poss so i can come home

Oh and i want James there :rotfl:
lol sarah, sounds a lot like what mine will be like, except replace the James bit with Dave!

I've got antenatel classes next week on pain releif so i'm hoping it'll come up then, if not i'm gonna mention it to my midwife when i next go and start writing one up for myself.

I like to be in control and know what to expect, if that want me to go in blind i'll only panic, just like if they start doing things to me or Tally without letting me know i'll get stressed.
I've never done a birth plan. I just shout my orders while in labour. All my labours have been different so i've just gone with how a feel at the time.
I've decided not to do one rang the midwife unit where i want to give birth and they seem to do all the things i want to skin no rushing of birth, no rushing afterwards all being well. holding the perenium (sp) when crowning. no pushing of pain relief etc Have briefed my sister my birth partner what i want. Have to sign to give baby vit k in birth notes so sure they will look before giving. Don't want injection to deliver placenta want all natural if can but they ask before giving as anything else would be abuse! lol. x
I used
to help me write mine, they have some good heading which I stuck to.

I kept it to 1 A4 and the headings have made it easier to read and navigate to a certain section.

Heres mine, give you an idea of the sorts of things I chose

My birthing partner is my husband Craig

During labour I would like to stay as active and as upright as possible. I do not want to be restricted to the bed.

Pain Relief
I would like to use my TENS machine for as long as possible and then try Entonox. I do not want to be asked if I want pethidine or an epidural unless medically necessary, if I feel I need either then I will ask.

Monitoring Baby
I would prefer not to be monitored for very long periods of time as this will restrict my movement and I wish to be active. I would prefer to be monitored with a hand held Doppler.

I would like my baby delivered onto me for skin to skin contact and Craig would also like skin to skin contact.

Assisted Delivery
I will take advise from the midwives at the time if this situation occurs.

3rd Stage
Craig would like to cut the chord, but we would like to wait until the chord has stopped pulsating before it is cut, if I haven’t delivered the placenta naturally by this time I would like the injection. I would like our baby to have the vitamin K injection also.

I will be breastfeeding my baby and would like to be encouraged to do this as soon as possible

I tested positive for GBS at 10 weeks and a further test at 37 weeks was also positive. I would like Penicilin G antibiotics to be administered intravenously at first, from the onset of labour for at least 4 hours before delivery if possible, and then 1.5g at 4 hourly intervals until delivery. If I haven’t delivered within the 4 hours I receive antibiotics then I would like to use the birthing pool.

I would like my baby to be assessed as soon as possible by a paediatrician and to advise on any further treatment my baby will require.
At least in the birthing centre where I gave birth they wanted to know the following two things:

1) how to deliver placenta (natural or assested with an injection, if you are anemic and/or loose loads of blood during the labour they may recommend assested)

2) whether or not to give the baby a vitamin K injection

The most useful thing in my plan was: 'Please do not offer me pain relief - I knnow what's available and will ask when appropriate'. As it happened I managed a natural birth (which I eas secretly hoping for but didn't want to put it in my birthing plan so that I wasn't setting too high expectations). Many of my friends have had pain relief pushed for them ('take some or otherwise you'll get too tired). That said my labour was pretty easy. If yours isn't you may want welcome pain relief but I think it is better to receive it when you are ready and want it...

Good luck :hug:
Someone posted about this a while back and it gave me ideas and so I wrote mine that night

• My birth partner is my husband Mark

• I wish to keep as mobile as possible for as long as possible.

• Gas and air (Entonox)and starting with half dose metpid or
pethadine to see how I feel and then increased if necessary

• If necessary then an epidural

• If having a caesarean I would like to be awake if possible via
epidural, if not then I would like Mark to be present at birth
and a photo taken of me holding the baby even though I am

• Only Mark and necessary medical staff to look after
and hold the baby until I am awake

• Waiting 2 minutes and the cord to stop pulsating before
the cord is cut and Mark to cut cord.

• The cord to be tied so the tummy button is an ‘inny’ one.

• For Mark to tell me the gender

• Being left with baby for as long as we wish after if all is well.

• Vitamin K injection for baby

• I plan to initially breastfeed

• Flexible to changes in my birth plan should it be medically

• My husband is to make decisions for me if I am unable to for
whatever reason.


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