Birth Plan


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2015
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Probably another first time mummy silly question again but it's nice to check with you all :)
Writing the birth who do we even give these too and when? when we get to hospital in labour? to the midwife? do they normally ask for it? how do we write it, in a list? typed it is handwritten okay?
Ha I feel very silly asking these questions but I've not really read much about it, and obviously not sure how it's done!
I know birth plans are rarely stuck to, but at least they'll know our preferences.
Just wondered but thank you ladies Xx
I have an appt in 2 weeks with my mw who will go through everything for me and she'll document it all in my notes-there's a section in my notes for it all.
I've never had to write a separate one x
My mw said they won't discuss birth plan till I'm 36 weeks. :-/ xx
I wrote a little bullet piint list and stuck it to the inside of my mat notes for when i was in labour..

Just things like who my birth partners were & their numbers
That id like a water birth
I wanted G&A only

I cant actually remember what else lol! (2.5yrs ago mind u)

Unfortunately my waterbirth only ended up being 30mins lol, but i did inly have g&a which i was happy with.. Its just to give them an idea of the things and ways ur hope ur labour to go if no complications were to happen.

I think it's really important to discuss your wishes with your birth partner as if anything happens they will be your voice xx
In my notes there is a page with some questions to consider (birth partner, pain relief, skin to skin post birth, vitamin K shot for baby, managed third stage.....etc) I have jotted down some bullet points for preferences including the use of the pool, avoiding an epidural, husband as birth partner, vit K for baby etc. Remember it is just guidance in my experience babies ensure that things go very much their way and your plans are irrelevant hehe!! xx
I'm not bothering this time as I'm having a planned section, but mine from
Last time basically said I want to avoid c section and epidural. I stated that I did want vitamin k injection for baby and had no objections to having thknjecyion to print on the placenta. I stayed I would like to see the placenta after labour and that if I were to lose consciousness (or became unable to consent due to mental state)!my husband could make decisions for me. I also stated husband did not want to cut the cord but that all these decisions were merely preferences and the safe delivery if the baby was paramount. I also states that I encouraged student participation which is something you may also want to trunk about.

I did have an epidural and a c section and things were so frantic I never did see the placenta but I didn't care to be honest because baby got here safely. My advice would be not to be over- specific as a lot of he time things don't go to plan and don't have your heart set on something so much that you will feel loss if you don't get to have it.

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