Birth Plan


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Aug 17, 2010
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I have been putting together a birth plan as due on the 9th December. Eeek! I was wondering how much detail you guys discussed this with your midwives? My midwife briefly whipped through the back page of my pregnancy notes but we didnt really discuss much and I have changed my mind about the injection for delivering the placenta. I have an appointment with her again on Tuesday 7th and dont know whether I should instigate the conversation about the birth plan or not. Dont want to appear pushy if this is not something they usually talk through with you. Very apprehensive about going to labour and thought it may help to discuss the birth plan with someone? Sorry for babbling on
It's important you feel comfortable about what's going to happen. I'd bring it up and talk through it with mw. Be as pushy as you like too! That's what they're there for xx
Thank you amyjane77. I will bring it up on Tuesday x
My midwife doesn't care at all, she said write it an show me and I'll tell you whether it's ok or not...not amazingly helpful, so I've done it now. Font forget you prob aren't going to see her in labour anyway so best to discuss it withe the midwifes on shift when you are actually in labour x
I'm booked in for a section and noone has asked me about my wishes or birth plan, I would ask her and say you want to dicusss it so you are straight and feel more ready.

Good luck for your birth not long at all now X
I think a birth plan is very important if you have strong views on things, and especially if your birth partner doesn't know exactly what you want. Talk to her about it and make sure it's written in your pregnancy notes! Like Lexi says, you probably won't get 'your' midwife when you're in labour so you'll want it written down for whoever is there.
I think if a birth doesn't go how you wanted and it could've been helped by the people around you just knowing what you want it can sometimes make the 'baby blues' worse.
I've written quite a detailed plan as I'm planning a home birth and want to make sure that I'm relaxed and comfortable. I've also highlighted the things that are most important to me and want to happen, even if I end up in hospital. My midwife looked through them when she came for my home visit a few weeks ago and took a copy so she could distribute it to the on call midwives. I also need to attach a copy to my notes. We didn't really discuss it in any detail though.

If it's something that is on your mind, I would definitely talk to your midwife. The last thing you want to be doing is worrying about it.
Try and keep it as chilled as possible! My birth plan went COMPLETELY out the window except for his name and the fact OH was birth partner and I feel that if I had been really set on something I would have been too disappointed! X

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