
no humans are not "b*stard coated b*stards with b*stard filling ", some are, some aren;t. Talk about tarring everyone with the same brush, ;)
beanie said:
no humans are not "b*stard coated b*stards with b*stard filling ", some are, some aren;t. Talk about tarring everyone with the same brush, ;)

I did mention there were a few nice ones :lol: :wink:
I never experienced a personal racist attack until I moved from the U.S. to here and started working in central London. One incident was really awful, and I won't post what was said/done here and dredge it all back up again. I think if I had been a person of color perhaps it would have been taken more seriously, but I am white so perhaps people care less. I no longer work there.

But I also want to say that there were a lot of people from different cultures/races/creeds around there and 99% of them couldn't give a toss what color another person was. It was just the few people (and specifically that one racist/sexist man) who ruined it. :?
where i was born is a very white christian area of liverpool, a very poor area too, but there was No other cultures/races at my primary school. At my senior school of 2000, there was maybe 5 people of different race. One of them was Anthony Walker. http://www.anthonywalker.org.uk/ His sister was in my year, and i remeber him well. A lovely lad.

Anyway, i usually feel i have to stand up for Liverpool in genral, with alot of subjects... but im a believer that racism is here. (not just cos of the case above, but many things i see) I hate it. :twisted: :twisted:

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/merseyside/4477156.stm (news article on what happened)
Sadly its very racist here, its quite a small city and people are very narrowminded :(
The polish get a load of stick (though they are just as bad sometimes), as do our huge indian community (now they are very good and never known any racism from them). Problem is our huge CHAV community, and they are the worst offenders for racism in this town :roll:
I have had some racist comments from foreign patients, but luckily we have a zero tolerence policy...
Although tbh I have noticed that the non-english nurses get quicker back up than the rest of us....... :roll:
We're very mixed here so it's never ever a problem.
The only outrageous thing i've ever heard is FIL was a prison officer. The big boss actually asked him to change his surname coz it's offensive! His (and now Angel's) surname is Blackman! Because it says black, and we're a white family, apparently it'll offend the black people of the prison! Needless to say he never changed it! To be honest, no one else really noticed. It was just a bloody name!
LisaJ1986 said:
We're very mixed here so it's never ever a problem.
The only outrageous thing i've ever heard is FIL was a prison officer. The big boss actually asked him to change his surname coz it's offensive! His (and now Angel's) surname is Blackman! Because it says black, and we're a white family, apparently it'll offend the black people of the prison! Needless to say he never changed it! To be honest, no one else really noticed. It was just a bloody name!

FFS thats ridiculous!! :shock:
My little cousin has to sing "baa baa rainbow sheep" in his school, as "baa baa black sheep" is too offensive :roll:
Have you ever seen a rainbow sheep??? :shakehead:
Not much racism in my area as there are lots of different races and cultures. i think racism equals stupidity and ignorance.

I love mixed couples, I love diversity, we are all humans, there is no reason why colour should be an issue.

I wish the media could stop putting an emphasis on the fact that Barack Obama is black :? We all know that by now, and there is so much more to him than the colour of his skin. he has always said he is neither black nor white or yellow, he is american. his message is one of unity and that's what i like about him. I know he made history because he is the first black american president but let's move on from this and focus on what he has promised to do! After all there is a lot to be done and the fact that he is black won't make his job any easier or any harder. I am soooo happy he won by the way! :cheer:
Squiglet said:
When I lived in London though I was attacked in broad daylight by this man who was screaming "You fkin white honky bitch... I'm going to fk you up, you honkys think you own the fking place"... because I looked at him the wrong way apparently. my face was a mess afterwards, and he spat in my face/eyes so I needed an AIDS test... It wasn't a racist attack though apparently and it took the police 24 hours to come and see me :roll:

I am so sorry to hear this :hug: must have been horrible :hug: However, why did you need an AIDS test after he spat on your face?
I kind of understand what your saying but I don't think th fact he is the first black president should be ignored actualy. It IS something that should be celebrated. Times have come along way from only 50years ago. The story of the 106 yr old woman who was the daughter f slaves casting her vote was really nice. Anyway thats slightly offtopic.
laetitia85 said:
I know he made history because he is the first black american president but let's move on from this and focus on what he has promised to do! After all there is a lot to be done and the fact that he is black won't make his job any easier or any harder.

totally agree laetitia, whether ur black, white, pink with lime spots doesnt really hav any knock on effect to sortin out the mess dubya made!!! :lol:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
I kind of understand what your saying but I don't think th fact he is the first black president should be ignored actualy. It IS something that should be celebrated. Times have come along way from only 50years ago. The story of the 106 yr old woman who was the daughter f slaves casting her vote was really nice. Anyway thats slightly offtopic.

I agree. The fact he's black shouldn't be defining factor, but it;s still something to be celebrated. I for one cried when they showed Jesse Jackson with tears puring down his face.
laetitia85 said:
Squiglet said:
When I lived in London though I was attacked in broad daylight by this man who was screaming "You fkin white honky bitch... I'm going to fk you up, you honkys think you own the fking place"... because I looked at him the wrong way apparently. my face was a mess afterwards, and he spat in my face/eyes so I needed an AIDS test... It wasn't a racist attack though apparently and it took the police 24 hours to come and see me :roll:

I am so sorry to hear this :hug: must have been horrible :hug: However, why did you need an AIDS test after he spat on your face?

apparently if someone has blood in their spit and they spit in your eye it can leave a direct transference of the AIDS/HIV virus. I couldn't tell if he had gotten it in my eye or not so the doctors said just encase. Its a classic way for cons to try and transfer AIDS to Prison officers too.. :(

I have to agree with you Laetitia 100% about Obama. People are bigging up the fact he's black... but hes not "just" black, he's white too so the whole "race" argument is null and void. I just hope he does live up to his promises and makes the US a better place for all people. :)
Some people forget that I'm an immigrant myself when they start their xenophobic rants about "job-stealing benefits-scrounging incomers"

They usually get very sheepish when I point out to them that they maybe want to decide whether the "incomers" steal jobs or scrounge benefits, as both at the same time is a bit unrealistic, and whether they think that I should "F off home", too.

I'd be offended even if I wasn't an immigrant myself, and always challenged people back in Germany, too, when they came up with similar nonsense.
widowwadman said:
Some people forget that I'm an immigrant myself when they start their xenophobic rants about "job-stealing benefits-scrounging incomers"

They usually get very sheepish when I point out to them that they maybe want to decide whether the "incomers" steal jobs or scrounge benefits, as both at the same time is a bit unrealistic, and whether they think that I should "F off home", too.

I'd be offended even if I wasn't an immigrant myself, and always challenged people back in Germany, too, when they came up with similar nonsense.

This is so unbelievably true. My OH (who's from the Netherlands) hears this sort of talk ALL the time at work about Polish immigrants but is never on the receiving end. People seem to forget that they have as much right to work in the UK as British people. The fact is, many Eastern European immigrants do the jobs that people here don't want to do and would much rather stay at home claiming from the state.
daftscotslass said:
widowwadman said:
Some people forget that I'm an immigrant myself when they start their xenophobic rants about "job-stealing benefits-scrounging incomers"

They usually get very sheepish when I point out to them that they maybe want to decide whether the "incomers" steal jobs or scrounge benefits, as both at the same time is a bit unrealistic, and whether they think that I should "F off home", too.

I'd be offended even if I wasn't an immigrant myself, and always challenged people back in Germany, too, when they came up with similar nonsense.

This is so unbelievably true. My OH (who's from the Netherlands) hears this sort of talk ALL the time at work about Polish immigrants but is never on the receiving end. People seem to forget that they have as much right to work in the UK as British people. The fact is, many Eastern European immigrants do the jobs that people here don't want to do and would much rather stay at home claiming from the state.

You have just described Boston! Yeah we are about 40% english here but the thing is, Polish etc WANT to work! Where my dad works they'd only hire Polish as they were very good workers! In Boston they're lazy *******s that just sit on their arse as the state gives them money! They're much politer too. I worked in a Post Office and would much rather serve a grateful foreigner couple than a rude English one!
i think its probably more prevalent in less integrated areas and/or lower socio-economic groups and uneducated people.

when i lived in my home town (5 miles from centre) and when i actually lived in the city centre i never witnessed any racism whatsoever- but i gotta be honest when i moved here (15 miles from centre the other direction from my hometown- im not gonna say place names on public forum lol in case anyone asks!) i was SHOCKED at some of my boyf's old mates. they're not extreme like they wouldnt actually persecute someone coz of their race, but its the language that shocked me. i wasnt used to it, my boyf moved away from here ("the sticks" as i see it!) into town so he is more accustomed to metropolitan manc, but many of his friends have never left this little town, and they just use derogatory adjectives when commenting about someone who isnt white, like there's nothing wrong with it- like how it probably was in the 1950's or something iykwim?

i usually leave the room if someone says a word which offends me, and then later i tell my boyf how much i disapprove of his ignorant associates! his explanation is basically they are small-minded, they grew up quite isolated and are just not used to the eclectic culture that im used to! and he says they dont mean any harm. if he ever said any racist remarks himself or laughed at a racist joke i would have a MAJOR sulk with him.

i hate racism its up there with religious fundamentalist extremism IMO!
I find it funny when people say that immigrants 'steal' jobs. Because there are hundreds of thousands of jobs advertised each year. It's so unrealistic and stupid to blame immigrants! :?

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