Big Brother and *Racism*

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Sep 7, 2006
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Anyone else been watching big brother?

I have been watching it religiously and I am abit confused about why so many people think there is extreme racism going on?

Most of the situations with Shilpa and Jade have been cultural misunderstandings, not racial attacks. So why is TV, news and the net making a big anti racism thing over this?

I am not a racist person and I don't agree with genuine racial attacks but I am finding this situation on big bro very annoying to watch. If Jade was saying to Jo 'oi ya so in so fecking cook that chicken longer we dont all wnat to die of food poisoning' no one would say anything but because shilpa is from India people seem to think its about race.

I can't understand why people have to act different around other races, isn't multi-cultural britain all about equality?
I have a friend who is hindu and her fmaily are from India and even she has said its not racial and is fed up with how her white friends have to treat her differently to her asian friends!

Whats everyone elses thoughts on this?
I just dont see why its ok to take the mick out of a white persons accent but not a black persons. Its no different. Why is it ok for black people to be racial towards white but white people cant say anything back or they get abuse? Its very silly. Im not a racist person at all and i think Jade etc genuinely just dont like Shipla as a person, not just because she is indian. Its all over the top. Why would they be blatantly racist on tv?? Its not logical!
Jayceesmumma said:
I just dont see why its ok to take the mick out of a white persons accent but not a black persons. Its no different. Why is it ok for black people to be racial towards white but white people cant say anything back or they get abuse? Its very silly. Im not a racist person at all and i think Jade etc genuinely just dont like Shipla as a person, not just because she is indian. Its all over the top. Why would they be blatantly racist on tv?? Its not logical!

i don't think it's so much as racism.. but yeh as you said cultural misunderstandings.... :wall: and that Danielle, jo and jade are not choosing they words carefully, and have seem to forgotten that a lot of people are watching.. so therefore it looks like it's a racial attack.. and when you think about what has shilpa really said, that's just so out of line??

today with the big argument was nasty to watch and didn't enjoy it. jade was over the top and really out of order.. shilpa kept her cool good for her :clap:

but jade has shown her true colours and the rest of the girls are just kissing her arse like there is none tomorrow.

the whole situation is getting out of hand
Definitly out of hand. way OTT!! I really dont watch it and have little interest in celeb big bro, but i do see alot of crap in the papers! I think maybe Shipla is using the racism card for sympathy votes or just to cause uproar in the news. If it was that bad BB would issue warnings, but obviously it isnt as bad as most are making out.
Anyone thought she could just be a very annoying person? She has bitched about others too not just them bitching about her. I dont know word for word but its all just slagging off really. Classic Tv :roll:
Top & bottom - NOBODY is watching so they had to fire up SOMETHING!

Theres a huge difference between racism and ignorance :roll:
Its ratings, pure and simple!

I dont think even Shilpa thinks its racist, she did ask the question, did clio and jermaine think its racism, but she doesnt seem convinced. Shes intelligent enough to know the difference I think.

Its just getting out of hand though, I reckon either Shilpa needs to be given the chance to leave with dignity before it escalates, or the prime suspect - ie Jade - evicted for bullying.
I was watching ITV news last night, I cn't believe it was the main headline story! :shock:

So many atrocities going on worldwide and they make it to the headline spot :shock:

it's not nice, but I don't think it's a racist attack...more a clash of personalities and it's just unfortunate that the person in question happens to be Asian.
I think Jade has now shot her self in the foot.

And as much as i used to love big Bro i think it has now run its course and is getting a bit tedious.
kirlykird said:
I was watching ITV news last night, I cn't believe it was the main headline story! :shock:

So many atrocities going on worldwide and they make it to the headline spot :shock:

it's not nice, but I don't think it's a racist attack...more a clash of personalities and it's just unfortunate that the person in question happens to be Asian.

well said!!! :clap: why do people have to jump on the racism waggon just becasue someone who is disliked is asain,black etc???? Maybe they are disliked just becasue they are a vile individual.
bloody hel its all over the news :shock:

i aint been watching big brother. but its all over the papers and news :eek:
i dont think that the Jade Shilpa incident is racist BUT who watches it 24 hours a day here to hear the whole story. i honestly dont believe Jade is racist as she had exactly the same arguement with Sophie in BB4? She called her fake and more or less the same things as Shilpa,

now on the other hand i think that Danielle has made a remark telling her to go home. and did you hear BB pulling her up about it and she s**t herself. She should be careful as her partner plays football in an area with a majority asian community, mind you hopefully he will dump her. Jo is disgusting to. it is just in mind bullying, lets pick on the person who is a bit different. Jermaine Jackson's perception of Jade is correct.

Let's hope that this ends Jade's popularity.

i think they are are subconconsiously racist...

alot of the things they are saying they dont even think before the say it.. and its also how its said.... i dont like any of them... make me fucking sick...cant believe i liked jade...

this reminds me of maxwell and the saskia tribe :roll:

but hey it is a reality show.. and that is reality!

they constantly tease the girl and her culture..

classed her as the 'indian' in a nasty way...

mock her accent (''she cant even speak english properly'' - as if they fakking can :roll: )

saying she should fuck off home :roll: (reminds me of the bnp actually)

jade's b/f called her a paki but ch4 claims he didnt when ppl can blatantly tell from his lips :roll:

yeah right .. not racist my fakkin ass!
i think it is a little bit racist, once danielle even washed her hands after touching shilpas towel. anyways the point is ..i thought jade was alright before she came on the show..but now i think she is a low life and my god her voice irritates me..i think she is a bit jealous of shilpa being glamourous and all..if thats how she got famous in the first place then what kind of world are we living into?
roxanne080 said:
i think it is a little bit racist, once danielle even washed her hands after touching shilpas towel. anyways the point is ..i thought jade was alright before she came on the show..but now i think she is a low life and my god her voice irritates me..i think she is a bit jealous of shilpa being glamourous and all..if thats how she got famous in the first place then what kind of world are we living into?

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
i liked danielle and jade when they first went in but this has changed my opinion of them jades pathetic and dannille and jo even more so i still dont think that its neccercarilly racism as jermaine did call jade white trash and shilpa did take the mick of jades accent/voice as soon as she entered the house i think they dont know what they are saying and they are stupid first and foremost the are all airheads, and jade is definatley jelous shilpa is very pretty a and a lot more conservative she cant handle that they are just like a bunch of children its like a playground.
this whole thing has been totally blown out of proportion by CH4 and Shilpa's publicists, who've been on just about every programme going speaking 'on her behalf', when she herself doesnt seem overly bothered about it - after all everyone likes a villan and we've seen in the past what creative editing can produce. It amounts to nothing more than 'vicky pollard' style he said she said type behaviour, happening too right now at a playground near you!!!

All people have seen are a few comments, broadcast not in their orginal context, no one has seen the whole story as its edited so heavily, even watching it live 24/7 with the amount blanked out you'll never actually see the truth.

We've seen both sides using spiteful behaviour against each other, in their own unique way.

The fact that it was raised in parliment is quite frankly shameful, when real and brutal incidences of racism never even get mentioned in the local newspaper, a sad reflection of what society deems newsworthy.

This will do little to help real anti-racism campaigns and will only go to fuel the growing number of people fed up with political correctness, something that is growing in our society and actually leads to more incidence of real racsism. Even the leading indian newspapers...yes i use the term indian as a factual statement, not a racist remark, have said that its not worthy of all the attention and not real racism, and have pointed to their own problems with anti-white racism by indians.

Just another waste of broadcasting space, not unlike BB itself.
I just saw on the news that carphone warehoue have pulled the plug on sponsering big bro due to its racist content!! Oh dear me!
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