BI polar? Am I?


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2010
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My partner seems to htink I have mental Problems, I get really snappy some days to the point I can't talk to him else we would argue to the point of fighting.

I have my hyper days where I'm on top of the world and lvoe to chat to people. But I got snapped at the other day by my tutor at my Ftet Training centre for butting in on peoples conversations... I was like huh I was only trying to have a laugh and join in... To which the point happened where I brust into tears because I was so fedup as me and my partner had argued that morning over money....

Then I have my off days where I feel bad for thinking bad thoughts like killing myself because noone seems to care much about me. I just don't know why I flip from them so much and if I don't get my own way I sulk. I know thats lame and I need to grow up but I just can't seem to handle pressure and crack and it makes me upset...

Just wondering if its that and I need to get checked out or just try and find something to relax me and take myself away for some reflection and grow up in a sense..

Only want advice people. I can take critism but not bullying... Had that enough when I was growing up, too many people have trodden on me and my self confidence is crap.....
It might be hun.....although mood fluctuation in Bi polar is usually a long term thing. Ie you have a manic period but its longer than a few days, usually lasts weeks. Same goes when a person has a depressive episode, lasts longer than a few days.
A person with borderline personality disorders mood swings are shorter, lasting no more than a few days. Sometimes they have extreme mood switches within a day. Going from happy, to extremely sad/suicidal to angry all the space of a day.

I can link the DSM - psychiatrists bible basically when they are diagnosing mental illness.
Have you ever spoken to a doctor about your problems? Try not to self diagnose but defo speak to someone if you are worried


x x x x
Sorry one more question,
Did you have these probelms before you were pregnant?

x x x x
yeah had these problems before I was pregnant had it for years on and off periods of me being depressed and ten hyper happy, I seem to annoy people to the point it drives me back into me being depressed and I can never find a happy medium :S even my own mum thinks i'm mad....

Never said anything to the doctor before as I just had to get on with things and thought it would pa out and get better after I split with ex's and shite but its never happened to get better.
I suppose I should lighten up and stop worrying I just worry alot and it gets to me :'( lol x
awww unfortunantely sometimes you can't just lighten up. Your feelings are real hun and sometimes they can't just go away :(

I've been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder for 10 years, the way you descrie things sounds more like that then bi polar unless its mild bi polar without psychotic episodes. I'm no doctor though, I guess I just know ALOT about mental illness having lived it most of my life and being around others as well.

I'd advise speak to a doc, it might help

x x x x
Go to the doc or your midwife if you're worried hun. Bipolar runs in my family so I had to see a consultant about it the other day to make sure me and my OH were watching for the signs - from what I was told pregnancy can trigger all sorts of things in our bodies and minds so it's always better to see a professional and be aware of what's happening than to second guess and struggle on by yourself.
Hi there
I hope you don't mind me butting in - I just read it all and wanted to say I've been in the same boat and offer a hug. I went to the docs and after counselling and meds I'm able to manage my moods better now. It's a battle of unlearning responses to things that you've been doing that way for decades and learning new ones. Bloody difficult but very possible and within reach.

Pinkymum is so right in saying first port of call is the GP - you'll feel lots better for even making a small step in a different direction. And the whole process is easier to handle when seen as milestones and small steps rather than a big mountain.

Sending hugs cos it ain't easy.

I'd chat to your doctor chick. You can't just lighten up because your mind is controlling these ups and downs you are having. It does sound more like borderline personality disorder to me too with the episodes being short. I have been diagnosed with that and pi polar although I don't see how I can be both lol. My symptoms fit the personality dissorder more tho.

Don't be afraid to speak to your doctor, they are there to help xx
I mean no offence hun but you have already told us that your fella is a weed addicted bully so I really wouldn't pay too much attention to what he says! Men like him like control and by telling you that when you are upset or complain that it is because you are mental he is crushing your esteem further and making you question your own are a pregnant woman in a volatile relationship - it would be totally normal to have mood swings and depression!! From my understanding - bi polar have extreme highs aswell as lows, the highs are when they run out of control, feel they are invincible and put themselves in danger. If it's just lows you are having then it is more likely that you are just depressed. Don't get sucked into believing that just because you challenge his behaviour and can be moody that this means you have serious mental health problems......I know men like him and they will use comments like this as a form of control. Eventually he'll have you believing that you are completely crazy, can't manage without him and he is such a wonderful man for putting up with such a mad woman!!

As I say, I sincerely don't mean any offence towards you, I just worry about the situation you are in and I think you are very vulnerable right now xx
awww hun sorry your going thru a bad time atm i was like this with other half when i was pregnant with amy but sometimes he wound me up alot of the time to the point where i was taking the piss outta me i ended up throwing my plate of food that he just made me at him he got me so mad he never apologised for anything i felt bad for the thinks i did but he just made it worse we argued constantly i took my self out the room he was in so i could calm down and he also did we never spoke for a few days when we did we made up but then we argued after a few days up till the point a month b4 i give birth to amy. it could be just hormones and you being on that course sounds like its not helping you at all hun. i would go see the doc and get a sicky note off him talk to him he may offer you to see some one that you could talk to i had a cpn had depression b4 i met oh my depression was caused by quite a few things but could really dignoses my real problem. as there was so many things that have happened to cause it. i think talking to someone could help you hun take your self off for a few days to think about things and what you want for yourself i understand that you oh has a probs with weed which may make him paranoid you only have a few weeks left till bubs is here you also need to decide if its the right environment to bring bubs up in your oh needs to think too about what hes spending money on too i edont think you do have bi polar from what you describe above. i think your feeling down about the situation your in with your oh i know what its like to be pregnant with some one that has a bad habit i felt exactually the same as you he put things in to my head all the tym sadly the baby i was carrying was still born which was sad but in a way glad he wasnt going to be brought up in that need to figure out what you and bubs need hun xx im not bullying you or passing judgement on you or your oh. but i hope this helps you x
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really appreciate all your input guys :) Just feel alone I have had bad feelings since high school and I have never seemed to get away from them, guessing now I might be depressed like you say but if not then hey I will find out x My OH is finally seeing things from my point of view now so hopefully I can add he is improving in my next messages :) xxxx
I hope so, he has appointment at the doctors tuesday... So he can get some patches and stuff for smoking side of things not the weed though... Just wishing he will do it this time. He is on his last chance with me on that front. Just winds me up so much x

You could go to the GP and have a chat it might not hurt, he might put a lot of the extra activity with your moods down to pregnancy. Doctors do not like to give medication especially when pregnant and are not willing to send someone to Mental health services, unless you request it; I am very moody and quite changeable anyway and on becoming pregnant, jesus I am like bi polar!! I think when our hormones are racing we are kinda out of sync anyway. You could get a mood diary and keep a check on your moods with that, it is a start chick. Just monitor yourself and see if the chemist can suggest something herbal to settle you a little maybe!! Best of luck x
my mum suffers with bipolar. She's the most loveliest woman you'll ever meet, she adores her grankids && shes just an amazing mumma & nanna.
But she has her days, and i remember when i was younger, she'd lock herself in her bedroom for hours on end & just not wanna talk to anybody or let anyone see her. It took me years to understand that.

Best get yaself checked with doctor chick, have a chat with ya local GP && whatever you do have going on, can get treated & made easier :) :)

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