
Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2010
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Today is NOT my day.

first of all, every fucker at work is being an absolute BELLEND! excuse my language.

basically, im a receptionist/administrator and the kitchen at work is a state, which people assume is my job to clean! ITS NOT IN MY CONTRACT, THE DISHWASHER IS LESS THAN A FOOT AWAY FROM THE SINK PUT YOUR CUPS IN YOURSELVES YOU FILTHY TRAMPS!!!!

secondly!!! I ordered an iphone on ebay last tuesday, after selling my blackberry on there. i was a bit wary but I know that any dispute and paypal will give me a refund and demand it off the seller. So its a week later, and despite numerous emails back and forth between me and the seller IT STILL ISNT HERE. he originally said he posted it last weds, then he apologised yesterday n said it was on hold at his post office so he paid extra for it to come today first class recorded before 1pm. well its 1.15pm, NO IPHONE!!!!!

AND thirdly!!!!! As im on such a low income, bf is at uni, pregnancy was unplanned etc & I am registered to be living at my dads 2 bedroom flat with him and my brother. I applied for housing, claiming that i do not have a room am almost 7 months pregnant and sleeping on the sofa. I got a letter back today to say i am band C with 6 points, 3 points for sharing facilities and 3 points for not having a bedroom. NOTHING FOR BEING PREGNANT. it annoys me that if i was unemployed or in this country illegally, i would probably be housed by now!. I'm so stressed out. to get a flat i need to have atleast 24 points and be in band B. I can only gain one point per month for being on the list. so ive got atleast 18months sleeping on a sofa with my child until im considered important enough?

when does life get easier? :(

sorry ENORMOUS rant over...
Poor you, what a day, def don't need to be stressed. Can't believe council so unhelpful about getting a flat, this country only seems to help the lazy or immigrants, does make me mad, you would prob be better off on benefits! Keep putting pressure on them so they don't forget about you, I know my cousin got a flat quite quickly when she fell pregnant but not till after the baby was born, they do seem reluctant to give flats away until the baby has arrived but you don't even have a room only a sofa so they should be taking that more into account, where do they expect you to put the baby? Hope the rest of our day gets better and your phone is just a bit late x
Things have changed slightly since I dealt with the council but as far as i am aware you do not get anything extra for being pregnant - only when baby is here.

Have you been to CAB and checked out all your rights and what you are entitled to? Thy can also help with housing problems. Keep on at the council, do not let up on them - call every day if you have to but be prepared to be offered a bedsit/hostel before being offered anything else. I would have suggested getting your Dad to write a letter saying there is no room for you there and that he could not have a baby in the flat etc etc but I know a lot of councils are refusing these now.....

As for your comment about being unemployed and sorted out quicker....thats a bitchy comment and and will not earn you many friends on a pregnancy forum where a lot of the Mums are not working. I understand that you are upset and angry but there is no need for comments like that.

LOL I am still waiting for life to get easier......I cannot help with this! xx
may i just say im on benefits and 1 no im not lazy i have a disabled child that employers dont take to kindly to me taking time off to take him to his endless hospital or therapy appointments and 2 i cant get a house on the council so its not just people on benefits or illegal imagrants that get given council homes

you will proberly get more points once the baby is born they dont take them into account as your pregnant, also have you looked into private renting your are better of getting 1 off these depending on rental prices in your area as most dont accept dss anyway
i havent posted this to cause anyone offence in anyway. and said nothing regarding benefits, i will be claiming them myself once the baby is born. Im merely speaking of why i am so upset and angry. Again i didnt say anything was wrong with being unemployed, just that i would probably be in a better position if i were
My council give you no priority when you're pregnant, however as soon as baby is born they have said they will assess me for overcrowding as I am in a 1 bed flat and will be given priority for rehousing then...so that may be worth looking into xx
trust me you would not be better off job seekers or income support is not as much as alot of people are led to believe we only survive because of my sons disability money and csa money god knows what the families do that dont have that extra money coming in
My council give you no priority when you're pregnant, however as soon as baby is born they have said they will assess me for overcrowding as I am in a 1 bed flat and will be given priority for rehousing then...so that may be worth looking into xx

would love to know the outcome of this once your LO arrives! Do you have the bidding system where you are? x
my mum got a 1 bed flat on the bidding system but that was in manchester we dont have the bidding system down here i think it all depends on the area you live in as to how quick you can get a property, im classed as high priority on our council list yet still they cant give me a property as there isnt 1 available to what we need i just have to be patient and wait it out and hope 1 eventually comes up
Sorry you're having such a crappy day hun! I think you would be alot better of private renting and claiming housing benefit, rather than applying straight to council. Most places accept DSS nowadays. You can get help with deposit monies and the legal fees I believe! Check with CAB first thou!

I know how frustrating it can be, I applied when I was pregnant with Harvey (6 years ago) and I basically got nowhere. I am probably still on that list somewhere!

As to the job situation, get straight talking to your boss, tell them you feel you are being treated unfairly & you're not their or get paid to clean up other peoples mess!

Hope you have a better day tomorrow! x
My council give you no priority when you're pregnant, however as soon as baby is born they have said they will assess me for overcrowding as I am in a 1 bed flat and will be given priority for rehousing then...so that may be worth looking into xx

would love to know the outcome of this once your LO arrives! Do you have the bidding system where you are? x

Yeah we have a bidding system....no points really, it's just based on waiting time or whether you have been assessed as needing priority rehousing - which is hopefully what I will get when I am assessed as overcrowded (have been told twice now that I will get it, just need to wait till baby is here). Trouble is loads of people get priority - so could still be waiting a couple of months before I get anything, but bidding on waiting time only is ridiculous...I have 4 years waiting time and have got nowhere am competing against people who have 10 years + !! xx

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