I know how you feel that's what i'm scared of - with all the faint positives we had on cheapies a few months ago

Send you any luck I can spare :hug:
Thanks guys! And good luck to you too Libs, I'm keeping everything crossed for you :hug: :hug:
when i got a cheapy faint , i went straught to tesco and got one of there s lol and used m 2nd or 3rd wee wee and still got a pos at 11dpo !
I agree...i had faint on cheapies but it was more obvious on First response and tesco's own...get one of those ( or both) tomorrow and test again, but i think we may be seeing u in 1st Tri :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I hope so! I'd be gutted if AF arrived now. I'm trying to keep myself under control but it's very difficult!

I'm considering going to the chemist when I pick james up from nursery and getting a more expensive pg test. The challenge then will be not to pee on it! I have got 7 ebay cheapies to keep me amused in the meantime though :lol:

I have monster heartburn at the moment and cramps :pray:
just do it today.. i got my bfp at 10dpo and irt was much more obvious on the tesco one than cheapie.... :lol:
omg mm.

if your test looks like the pic you showed i would say its a BFP :cheer: :shhh: (no cheering yet)

test in a few days good luck hun although dont think u need it youve already got it :D
does it not matter if it's not FMU then, even though it's only 12dpo? The more expensive one's measure 25 instead of 10ml (or whatever measurement it is) of hgu don't they?

Hmmmm, might buy a 2 pack and do one this afternoon and one tomorrow morning as well...and my 7 cheapies. POAS addict? Moi?! :shakehead:
I thought that, but my line was easier to see on tesco and i got 'pregnant' on digital when u could barely see line on 10miu cheapie!!!! :wink:
DONT use the clear blue didi tests both me and another girl on here "looloo" have had this problem 2 weeks apart from each other we both used digi test and got pregnant - used clear blue standard tests and got lines very faint but lines. then first response agai nfaint but a line. but them we both found out we were not pregnat this happend two weeks apart i was also talking to another girl on 1st tri board whi the same thing happend to in the same week as me so in totoal thats three of us in 2 months.

having a line DOESNT MEAN ITS A REAL POSITIVE there are alot of fales positives at the momentbe carefull :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I went to the chemist and all they had was clear blue, so I got one of those. Could only afford one.
I will use it tomorrow morning with fmu.
I just did another ebay cheapy and still a very faint line, the same strength as the first one I did. I feel quite poo today, headache, heart burn and cramps :D
rhian....could it have been a chemical pregnancy where the egg is fertilised but doesn't implant?

This is why I'm not getting too excited just yet or rushing to get a pg ticker. I know a lot can go wrong at this stage.
I found no difference in the 10 miu ones and the 25 miu ones (from ebay) both were the same line colour :?

Muppetmum I think you're about to get your bfp and lib better follow :cheer:

:pray: for skairdy now
muppetmummy said:
rhian....could it have been a chemical pregnancy where the egg is fertilised but doesn't implant?

This is why I'm not getting too excited just yet or rushing to get a pg ticker. I know a lot can go wrong at this stage.

that was my first thought - I've never heard of problems with the digitals before :think:
I wish I knew what day af was due. It could be anytime between now and Tue going by my past cycles :wall:
I'll feel so much better when I know she's definately late
no really you won't :wink: :rotfl: take my word for it. She's late for me and I'm still waiting for her to arrive and nipping the loo every 2 mins :oops:

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