bet this is getting old 20 week scan!


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2009
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I have written this thread 3 times now but this stupid thing isn't working!

Anyway....all was amazing, measurements are fine, baby was head up then turned right round as I was being scanned to head down :)

The lady asked if we wanted to know the sex as it was being shoved in her face....erm YES!....we are having a BOY! :blue: :yay:
We are over the moon and are calling little man Mason (maybe George as a middle name)

Congrats to all the ladies who have had their scans so far this week and good luck to the girls still waiting to see their babas again :)

Having trouble uploading my picture so will get jay yo add it when he gets home :)x
Ha ha. All boys today then! Congratulations honey! X
Congrats on team blue! Glad everything went well at ur scan! Looking forward to seeing pic :)
congrats.... another team blue member theres loads :) x
Ah katietateypot! I was thinking of you earlier, glad your scan went well and congrats on another team blue! I think blue are in the lead for the May babies so far!! looking forward to seeing your pic xxx
Yay another team blue member :D congrats hunni, glad everything went well xxx
WOW we are a real team blue lot today lol :)

Congrats honey xxx
Another baby boy!!!! wow may must be the month for boys! XD
Congrats in being team blue hun, can't wait to see a pic :) xxx
congratulations on your scan hun :dust:and welcome to team blue :blue: there is definately a lot of having boys in may xx

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