Yippee! 20 week scan...

Thanks guys! I left work early day of the scan to buy some blue stuff!! not going to go tooo mad just in case! lol. Hubby is very excited Louise, he keeps saying he wants him here now... i was like... he is not cooked yet!!!


bless him i like the bit about he is not cooked yet!!!

LOL thanks. Was yours on its tummy at 20 week? I think this is the reason I feel random movements and not hard kicks. When he kicks he is kicking inward and down... Going to be a while before hubby feels him I think. I have been trying every night. Might stand on my head xx:)
mine was on his/her tummy and 12 weeks but wasnt at 20 weeks coz my placenta is low im feeling movement higher but like you dont think OH will feel it for a while yet!!
how big is your bump? just wondered what with us due so close, just posted 2 photos on here of mine!!!
have you thought of names for your little man yet? bet it was nice buying blue, bit bored of plain colours xx
It's quite big actually! I was a 16/18 before I became pregnant though but could NEVER see my tummy for the sake of my boobs! haha, now I look down and thats all I can see. I will get hubby to take a pic of me later. I took one at 12 weeks, and was meaning to take one every week but have forgotten! Will do it this week going forward.

Yeah we have his name chosen already ;) I may reveal it a little later hehe.

You guys thought of names? I shall go and peek at your bump now xx
Congrats a little boy!! You are due the day before me! xoxo
Congrats a little boy!! You are due the day before me! xoxo
that means your due the same as me!!!

pudds i wanted to take more photos so i could see the difference but time just seems to fly by!!

look forward too maybe hearing your names, we really dont know this end what with not knowing the sex we are struggling

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