BEST FORUM GAME EVER! *** Make a wish ***


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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This a goodie :)

I'll start by making a wish, then the next poster has to grant my wish but with an unexpected twist, then make thier own wish.

For example:

Poster #1: I wish it wasn't hot outside.

Poster #2: Wish granted! A giant ice comet crashes into your house and sends your neighborhood into a deep freeze. I wish my best friend were in town.

Poster #3: Wish granted! Your best friend is in town, but you had to go out of town. I wish...

Got it?

Ok, I wish I had xray vision
wish granted!!! you have x-ray vision but you look into your friends body and see something is wrong with her (oh god im so depressing aint i!!!)
i wish... i was tall
manda x
granted.... the only problem is that it only works when you look at ugly old men like him off the esure advert.... calm down dear.

:rotfl: :rotfl:

I wish... I had a very large house with a swimming pool and all the trimmings...
both wishes granted lol.

Manda you are so tall you are taller than the tallest building in the world.

SarahH your house is so big you cant find your way out and your swimming pool is full of swamp water.

I wish that I had a chinese chef that cooked me peeking duck every day
oooh... can you grant and make more wishes!!!
Alfiesmummy said:
both wishes granted lol.

Manda you are so tall you are taller than the tallest building in the world.

SarahH your house is so big you cant find your way out and your swimming pool is full of swamp water.

I wish that I had a chinese chef that cooked me peeking duck every day

Granted, but the duck is massive and you have to eat every mouthful or be killed, and pretty soon you start to look like a duck!

I wish that working days were only 2 hours with an hour and a half lunch break!
Granted... but that hours are only allowed for sh*t shovellers in the swamps!!

I wish I had a garden fullof trees with money on them instead of leaves.
granted ... but its monopoly money and you cant spend it

i wish for more sleep
granted....but there is only 'play' money on the trees and not 'real' money.

i wish i could go shopping EVERY DAY and never worry about how much i am spending!
both granted...

shoping... for some reason when you started shopping and not worryiing about money you were only finding nasty clothes nice.... like a magnet to old womans clothing.

Sleep..... you sleep all day and all night but have no time to stay away for your OH and wee boy :(

I wish.... I was a groupie for Jon Bon Jovi and got the occational nookie from him!!
granted ... but bon jovi stinks of cow manure and is lousy in bed and has a small green thingy

i wish for unlimited chocolate and wkd
Alfiesmummy said:
granted ... but bon jovi stinks of cow manure and is lousy in bed and has a small green thingy

ruin my fantasy!! :cry: :cry:
Alfiesmummy said:
granted ... but bon jovi stinks of cow manure and is lousy in bed and has a small green thingy

i wish for unlimited chocolate and wkd

Wish granted but your allergic to chocolate if you eat it you turn into a giant bunny and wkd has turned nice so you dont want it anymore.

I wish for a day in a cheese factory that let's me take as much cheese home as I want.
Vicky: Your wish is granuted but you develop a dairy allergy from all that cheese!!

I wish I knew the gender of this baby sooner!!
granted.....but now you wish you didn't know cos everything you see to buy is in neutral colours.....

...I wish I could afford to pay someone else to do my job!
Granted, but once you find out you wish you hadnt (couldnt think of anything else lol)

I wish I could go home right now
granted......but then work calls you in and you have to work 7 days a week for the rest of you life ( :lol: )

i wish..i could lose weight but still eat lots and lots of chocolate...yum! :)
granted, but you never stop losing wieght and eventually disapear into nothing!

I wish that my nails would stop breaking
granted.....but then your nails never stop growing and in the end you cant do anything becuase they are that long!!

i wish...i could be on a beach somewhere right now... :D
graunted....but your beach is hit by the worst hurricane in years!

Wish I had the ingredients in the house to bake a lasagna tonight!

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