BEST FORUM GAME EVER! *** Make a wish ***

granted......but you find that your oven is broken!

I wish someone would come & do all my housework for me......
granted, but it is Michael Winner who has a knicker fetish and has been wearing nothing but your undies whilst he hoovered.

I wish that a very tanned, toned, muscular man would give me a shoulder massage right now!
granted ... but when you see his face its the face of a 180 year old man

I wish that there was more than one episode of shameless on tonight on channel 4
Alfiesmummy said:
granted ... but when you see his face its the face of a 180 year old man

I wish that there was more than one episode of shameless on tonight on channel 4

wish granted darling but alfies going to pee on the remote control and break leaving the TV on the wrong chanel! what a bummer ....

i wish tomorrow when i step on the scales at weight watchers ill have lost 3 pound at least :)
[Wish granted but next week you will have put on 13 stone!
i wish i could find ewan mcgreggor in my b ed tonight :wink:
Granted but he's fast asleep and taking up all the room.

I wish it was home time
Wish granted..You will find a ewan mcgregor DVD in your bed tonight but it's scratched so doesn't work.

I wish for a persian cat.
Wish granted but its a rebelious persion cat and scratches everything in you're house...including you!

I wish I had keanu reeves with me tonight! :wave:
Granted, but hes got a horribly contagious disease so you cant go within 3 meters of him!

I wish I could go home now
Granted but you would go home and find that squatters had taken over and won't let you in.

I wish my hubby wasn't going away this weekend.
wish granted but hes going to have explosive diahrea all weekend and stink the house out and block the toilet

i wish my daughter could play outside without falling in the mud
granted, but she treads in cat poo and walks it through your house :puke:

i wish oh would cook me dinner tonight to save me doing it
granted but he cooks you the most awful meal and makes a right mess of the kitchen which you have to clean up.

i wish my DF would be romantic - today of all days :roll:
granted ... but hes so romantic he comes home dressed in a shakespear outfit playing a yukolaylee (sp) and attempts to serenade you all night (badly) till you get so annoyed you break up with him and throw him out

I wish i had sky tv
granted you have sky tv but its stuck on the sports channel :rotfl: :rotfl:

i wish i was rich :lol:
Granted but you would be transported to Mars and have nothing to spend your money on.

I wish I didn't have to work a 12 hour shift tomorrow.
granted ... but it turns into a 24 hour shift instead

i wish russel brand would drop off the end of the earth

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