Hi all,
Thank you for your messages.
I went for my second internal scan today to see how things were
Going and it doesn't look like good news
The sac has grown but the baby has barely grown and should of done in the ten days its been since my last scan. They're giving it a week to grow and if no improvement then they think I will lose it or can have a termination.
The pains been worse and I have cramping every day now.
To make matters worse I've also been signed off work with a nasty water infection which is so painful and my body hasn't reacted to the antibiotics so I'm now off for yet another doctors appointment to try and get it sorted!
Thank you for your messages.
I went for my second internal scan today to see how things were
Going and it doesn't look like good news
The sac has grown but the baby has barely grown and should of done in the ten days its been since my last scan. They're giving it a week to grow and if no improvement then they think I will lose it or can have a termination.
The pains been worse and I have cramping every day now.
To make matters worse I've also been signed off work with a nasty water infection which is so painful and my body hasn't reacted to the antibiotics so I'm now off for yet another doctors appointment to try and get it sorted!